
Multiple input field on the same line

Jabejo22 06 Apr, 2010
Hi guys,

I've looked and looked and I'm surprised to know one asking this question (I must be the only slow one here that can't figure it out 😶 )

Anyway, I would like to be able to City, State and Zip Code input fields on the same line rather than:


I want it to look like so:

City [_______] State: [________] Zip [________]

Can you help?

Thank you,

giacall99 06 Apr, 2010

You can use the multiholder field when you create the form with wizard
Jabejo22 07 Apr, 2010
Hi again,

Can you only use the multi holder once per form? Every time I try it it's sticking the wrong things one the line... adding stuff that I didn't want on the same line and leaving stuff out.

I'm doing it as instructed. Is it just buggy?


GreyHead 07 Apr, 2010
Hi Zak,

It's fine - just quirky. The numbers you have to enter are hard to work out. They seem to be related to the sequence in the Wizard box starting with 1 and counting down the page.

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