
DB Setup not working / Form not sending attachments

ksmith 06 Apr, 2010
Good Day,

I am a first time user of Chronoforms and I am just about ready to launch my site, however, i am testing it and now it seems it is not working properly. I created a table for my registration form but it gave me an error saying i needed to add something to my sql. But now i can't duplicate the error but it is sending me the data via email but not saving anything but the ip and a few other items on the db in the backend. What it is saving is the first 4-5 fields that were green when i setup the db table link to the form. I don't know what i am doing wrong on why the record is not saving in the DB.

The second part of my issue is that i have two forms. The first is the registration form. Upon submission they are taken to a page in which i added the form code for them to go to paypal and pay. The paypal form then takes back to my one of my site pages to upload files after paying. The issue is after they upload it is sending the audio file to my ftp but not saving in db or attaching in the email sent to me. I need to be able to correlate the submission with the person who submitted it and since the form isnt saving in the db i just have files and no idea who sent them..any help is greatly appreciated for the site was to be live today and i cant go live until this is fix. PLEASE HELP!

EDIT - created new link on new form and duplicated error "Error while creating table :You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ENGINE = MYISAM' at line 1 SQL=CREATE TABLE `jos_chronoforms_Submission` () ENGINE = MYISAM ;"
Thanks in advance! Sorry so long...
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2010
Hi ksmith,

It sounds as though you did not select any form fields when you created the database table. Selected fields have **green bars** with 'x' icons; unselected fields have red bars with 'tick' icons.

ksmith 06 Apr, 2010
i tried to turn them green as stated but i get this now "Error while creating table :Table 'jos_chronoforms_Registration' already exists SQL=CREATE TABLE `jos_chronoforms_Registration` (`cf_id` INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `uid` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `recordtime` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `ipaddress` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `cf_user_id` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `radio0` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `check1` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_3` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_5` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_12` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_8` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_9` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_10` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_11` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_13` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_17` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_19` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_21` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_22` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_23` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_24` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_25` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `text_20` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `select_14` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`cf_id`)) ENGINE = MYISAM ;

i cant find how to delete and recreate..How do i do that?
GreyHead 06 Apr, 2010
Hi kclark,

You can delete the old table from PHP MyAdmin or from the ChronoForms table manager.

ksmith 06 Apr, 2010
Thanks for that! I was able to delete the table and then i recreated them and changed all the fields to green and saved with no errors listed. My answer is now that it is set up...when i was sending test submissions it would upload the file to the server but not show in the table will this change it now or is there somewhere else i need to add something to make it work...

Also, i added the joomla registration to my registration form but it is not showing the new user when i submit a form. Am i missing a step? i added the field names in the configuration but still no auto registration when i submit the form..any help would be appreciated and thanks so much for the prompt customer service great product and excellent customer service!
GreyHead 07 Apr, 2010
Hi ksmith,

The Joomla Registration Plugin probably isn't enabled on the form Plugins tab. (Same potential problem - green bars are anabled.)

ksmith 07 Apr, 2010
the bars are enabled but i moved the joomla registration question to another post still isnt working but since u are replying there i will leave it alone on this post.

so my only question remaining here is the fact that the files are not attaching to my submissions. i have a two part form. they register then go to paypal paypal then redirects them back to the submit upload file form. That form is taking uploads but not sending me any emails, not saving anything to the database, adding files in ftp server but i have no idea what file is connected to do i correct this for this is one of the last steps i need to go live? Thanks a bunch!😀
GreyHead 07 Apr, 2010
Hi ksmith,

What debug info do you get with the File Upload form?

ksmith 08 Apr, 2010
When i used debug the result after the form said i was not authorized to view that url. No code was provided.

However, now that i set the first form to work right with the joomla registration (users are showing up) and the second form is actually uploading the files to ftp and storing the data in the database with the file names associated to the user name generated from form one showing in the table so that solves the file associations....HOWEVER, now i am not receiving emails for neither forms! How can i fix this?

I did five complete registration processes (first register and got setup as user then submitted files on second form) and I received no emails for any of them and its been at least an hour it normally takes 10-15 mins for me to receive the form via email. They are in the database. I was receiving the first form result via email before and i havent changed anything so i am not sure what is happening now....

😟 I am sorry to keep bothering you but now i have the form set the only thing i need is for it to email me the results even though the table is storing it. Thanks!
GreyHead 08 Apr, 2010
Hi ksmith,

Sorry, from this information I have no idea what the problem is.

If you like, please PM or Email me a SuperAdmin login and the site URL and I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 08 Apr, 2010
Hi Ksmith,

The forms look fine and if I turn Debug on there is an Email SUCCESS message. This means that ChronoForms has passed the email to the Joomla mailer and received a 'Successfully sent' signal back.

I think that the most likely problem is that the From Email adddress you are using does not match the site domain and that your emails are being marked as possible spam and dropped.

ksmith 08 Apr, 2010
Thanks a bunch! I will change that and see what happens! Great support! Thanks!
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