I have a 10 question form in multi-page view. (test_page1, test_page2) and would like the user to view their test results after submission. ie. Test Score: 80%
I'm attempting to this using PHP & placing the code in the "On Submit code - Section" of CF
I am able to create a simple loop statement but when referencing the form variables within the the PHP tags, I get a blank screen after submission. Removing {radio0} fixes the problem, and allows me to submit the form. I take it the syntax is incorrect.
<p class="style2">Congratulations, <strong>{first_name} {last_name}</strong> you have succesfully completed <strong>{testname}</strong>, Test.
Below are your score results.
for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++)
if {radio0} <> 'true' echo "incorrect answer";
What would be the simplest way to do this?
To allow the user to view their test results/grade?
Thank You
I have a 10 question form in multi-page view. (test_page1, test_page2) and would like the user to view their test results after submission. ie. Test Score: 80%
I'm attempting to this using PHP & placing the code in the "On Submit code - Section" of CF
I am able to create a simple loop statement but when referencing the form variables within the the PHP tags, I get a blank screen after submission. Removing {radio0} fixes the problem, and allows me to submit the form. I take it the syntax is incorrect.
<p class="style2">Congratulations, <strong>{first_name} {last_name}</strong> you have succesfully completed <strong>{testname}</strong>, Test.
Below are your score results.
for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++)
if {radio0} <> 'true' echo "incorrect answer";
What would be the simplest way to do this?
To allow the user to view their test results/grade?
Thank You