
Re: AutoSave

ahwoogamac 30 Mar, 2010
I did a search for this and I only came up with a brief discussion in 2008 within the multi-page thread, but nothing since then. I have a very large form that people are telling me is timing out once they've filled it out. I would like to have an autosave feature that will save the fields as they fill them in. In the multi-page thread, the idea of having a temporary cookie in place that will extend the session for a day or two. Is this still the best method or is their a better alternative that has become available since then? If this is the best method, how would I go about creating and inserting this cookie to work with the form?
GreyHead 30 Mar, 2010
Hi ahwoogamac,

You can extend the default session (standard is 15 minutes). Fredrik posted a script snippet that autorefreshes the connection and keeps the page open.

Better though would be to break the form into bite-size chunks and save after each chunk.

ahwoogamac 30 Mar, 2010
Is the session time based on Joomla's global 15 minute session time? So, if I change that, will it change this? Or is that somethign totally different? Also, If I change it to multi page, do the saved pages still resort to the 15 minute session, or is the content saved elsewhere?
GreyHead 31 Mar, 2010
Hi ahwoogamac,

Yes it is exactly that session (not a ChronoForms setting).

If you save data into the database between steps then it is quite secure independently of the session time.

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