
Custom Connectivity Form URL or Delete URL

seraphnoire 30 Mar, 2010
I have a set of a connectivity form that displays a table with edit and delete options. We just added the "new entry" option as a module that appears above the table so long as the user is on the correct menu item in Joomla.

When a user edits an entry it opens the form in a new window and then returns to the proper URL with the New Entry intact. When we select Delete we lose the module because the return URL is missing the &Itemid=66 that references the menu item the module is tied to. Is there any way we can add this to the Delete options URL?
seraphnoire 30 Mar, 2010
Well I cheated. Since I knew the URL I needed I just used PHP to get the current URL and compare it. If it didn't match I redirected to the right page. The user doesn't notice the redirect so my end user will be happy. I'm still interested if there's another way to get around this.
GreyHead 30 Mar, 2010
Hi seraphnoire,

Sounds like a ChronoConenctivity bug to me.

seraphnoire 31 Mar, 2010
:D At least we found a way around it.
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