
Plain Text Tooltips, Formatting Issues & SEF url errors

pauljhester 26 Mar, 2010
Issue 1) The formatting of the text fields are not displaying properly. They do not appear to be "tabbed" after the field name. Also, the tooltips are displaying as plain text. Am I missing a setting somewhere?


Issue 2) When I enable SEF in Joomla, I am no longer able to access my contact form. I receive the following message "There is no form with this name or may be the form is unpublished, Please check the form and the url and the form management".



Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!
GreyHead 26 Mar, 2010
Hi PaulJHester,

The 'class attributes' that apply the ChronoForms CSS are no longer in your Form HTML so the CSS can't be used correctly. I suspect that this is the problem with the ToolTip as well.

Your SEF link doesn't include the chronoformname=contact_form value so the error message is correct.

pauljhester 29 Mar, 2010
1) Thank you for the input. It is a clean install of Chronoforms with a new form, so how would this have changed? How do I resolve the CSS issues with the "class attribute"?

2) Is there a standard way to make Chronoforms work with Joomla's built in SEF feature?

Thank you very much for your assistance.
GreyHead 30 Mar, 2010
Hi pauljhester,

Hmmm . . . there is something very weird going on. The classes are in the page source code but when I view the interpreted HTML with FireBug they've been removed. And if I view the form without the template by adding &tmpl=component to the URL then the labels appear as :Name instead of Name:

It looks as though you may have a rtl (right to left) version of your template CSS loading that is messing up the form styling?

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