I found an excellent free date picker here: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex7/jasoncalendar.htm which I'd like to use in ChronoForms.
The setup steps (pasted below) include <script> tags, which are not allowed in the ChronoForms code editor. If anyone could help, please let me know if it looks possible to use this with ChronoForms and, if so, how to make it work.
Thanks very much.
Step 1: Insert the below into the <HEAD> section of your page:
Select All
<script type="text/javascript" src="calendarDateInput.js"> /*********************************************** * Jason's Date Input Calendar- By Jason Moon http://calendar.moonscript.com/dateinput.cfm * Script featured on and available at http://www.dynamicdrive.com * Keep this notice intact for use. ***********************************************/ </script>
The above references an external .js file. Download calendarDateInput.js (by right clicking, and selecting "Save As"), and upload to your webpage directory. It also uses 3 images, which you should download by right clicking, and selecting "Save As":
Step 2: Once the above script is added, adding a popup Calendar field to your form is a one step process. Take a look at the below example:
<script>DateInput('orderdate', true, 'DD-MON-YYYY')</script>
<input type="button" onClick="alert(this.form.orderdate.value)" value="Show date value passed">
The setup steps (pasted below) include <script> tags, which are not allowed in the ChronoForms code editor. If anyone could help, please let me know if it looks possible to use this with ChronoForms and, if so, how to make it work.
Thanks very much.
Step 1: Insert the below into the <HEAD> section of your page:
Select All
<script type="text/javascript" src="calendarDateInput.js"> /*********************************************** * Jason's Date Input Calendar- By Jason Moon http://calendar.moonscript.com/dateinput.cfm * Script featured on and available at http://www.dynamicdrive.com * Keep this notice intact for use. ***********************************************/ </script>
The above references an external .js file. Download calendarDateInput.js (by right clicking, and selecting "Save As"), and upload to your webpage directory. It also uses 3 images, which you should download by right clicking, and selecting "Save As":
Step 2: Once the above script is added, adding a popup Calendar field to your form is a one step process. Take a look at the below example:
<script>DateInput('orderdate', true, 'DD-MON-YYYY')</script>
<input type="button" onClick="alert(this.form.orderdate.value)" value="Show date value passed">