
No email received after form submit

amorpeth 18 Mar, 2010

I receive no email after submit.

I am using the latest version on ChronoForms.
PHP Mailer Function - This works for all other emails sent from the site.

The debug is as follows:

Form passed first SPAM check OK
Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
$_POST Array: Array ( [text_0] => AndyPandy [text_1] => *****@**** [text_2] => ****@****.com [chrono_verification] => cgZtu [button_4] => Invite [3e2043d3b4bee2dabd0f7a14bc1eb01d] => 1 [1cf1] => 582f731a5500c56b236557280caa5ac5 [chronoformname] => TEST2 )
$_FILES Array: Array ( )
Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
Debug End

Seems to send OK but I get nothing recieved to my inbox.

Anyone have any ideas?

GreyHead 18 Mar, 2010
Hi amorpeth,

Looks like the email isn't enabled - either on the General Tab or the Email Setup | Properties box.

amorpeth 18 Mar, 2010
Its definitely enabled. I've been paying around for hours.

Update: The sample form works. If I copy if it still works, but if I edit it then it stops working. I cannot for the life of me work out why!

I PM'ed my login details. If you get a chance to take a look that would be great! You will see many test forms, all of which don't work. The only working form is the sampleform that comes with ChronoForms.

Thanks for the quick response!

jc 21 Mar, 2010
i have emailed you about the same issue, please assist
GreyHead 22 Mar, 2010
Hi jc,

Please check the email tutorial from the Tutorials link above.

If you still ahve questions then please post them here.


PS No email or PM received so far.
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