
SOLVED! - Date Time picker is not working in Custom Forms

mekio_san 17 Mar, 2010
Maybe I've simply overlooked this answer. Maybe I haven't been looking hard enough, but after 3 hours... I'm tired, stressed, and about to put my foot thru my computer.

I've built several custom forms in Chronoforms, and absolutely love it... that is until today. I've spent literally the past 5 hours practicing insanity (trying the same thing apparently over and over again expecting a different result).

All i want to do is be able to manually place a date picker. That's all. I don't care about the year selector, just month and date.

I know that the code to drop this in the form is:

<div class="form_item">
  <div class="form_element cf_datetimepicker">
    <label class="cf_label" style="display: none;">Date:</label>
    <input class="cf_datetime required" title="" size="20" id="date_0" name="date_0" type="text" />
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

I know this because I made a form with just THIS using the form wizard. I've cheked css, javascript, and I'm done. How, HOW in God's name do I create a form and use this. I simply don't see why I would have to code my own calender when there is already one in Chronoforms.

To answer a few questions;
yes I'm using a custom css I've dropped in.
yes I've checked google

All I want is an answer as to how. thanks in advance

nml375 17 Mar, 2010
Hi Meiko,
Did you make sure the "Load Chronoforms CSS/JS Files?" settings (on the general tab) is set to "Yes"? Without it, the needed javascripts for the calendar will not be loaded.

mekio_san 17 Mar, 2010
That's the first thing I checked.

Either way it doesn't work. I'll try turning it off and on and see what happens.
GreyHead 17 Mar, 2010
Hi mekio_san,

Have you added date_0 to the Date Field names box at the bottom of the Form General tab?

mekio_san 17 Mar, 2010

Hi mekio_san,

Have you added date_0 to the Date Field names box at the bottom of the Form General tab?



You are the MAN!!! that was it! worked immediately! thank you man!
mekio_san 17 Mar, 2010
Ok just a heads up in case anyone else has the same question I did. After you apply the date_0,date_1, date_2,etc... You can actually turn load chronoforms css/javascript off and it will still work. Your style, your look, your feel, but still functional.

Great work on this component guys. Great support as always as well.

Thanks again

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