
Horizontally display fields in form

tiekubd 11 Mar, 2010
This is a great product. I am going to pay the little fee to help with development.
What is the best way to display the fields both vertically and horizontally?
For example:
Week1: field1, field2, field3, Total
Week2: field1, field2, field3, Total
Week3: field1, field2, field3, Total
Can I put in a function to calculate and display Total = field1 + field2 + field3
Question 2
If I do not know in advance which/how many weeks will be reported, can I have a button that says “Add new Week” with three new fields?
GreyHead 11 Mar, 2010
Hi Tieku,

You can edit the Form HTML to use table tags to get this layout; or you could use the multi-holder element in the Form Wizard.

You can do a calculation in the browser using JavaScript.

You can also add scripts to unhide or to add extra copies fields, you'll find some examples in the forums here.

tiekubd 11 Mar, 2010

I have been able to use table tags to display multiple fields on a row.

Can you give me sample java code for the addition above (I am not a programmer😟 )

Can you point me to examples of scripts to hide/unhide rows, fields.

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