
cb plugin generate password

abemedia 11 Mar, 2010

I'm trying to build a registration form using the cb plugin and want the password to be automatically generated. I know this is possible with the Joomla registration plugin but how do I do it with the CB plugin?

GreyHead 11 Mar, 2010
Hi Adam,

I added that extra code to the Joomla Registration plugin but have never done the same for the CB version. If you look at the Joomla version you should find the code that you could copy into the before box for the CB plugin.

abemedia 12 Mar, 2010
Hello. Thanks for the quick reply!

I tried pasting the following code into the before box
$post['password'] = $post['password2'] = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword();
however the registration email still has a blank space where it says password so I assume its not being generated for some reason.
GreyHead 12 Mar, 2010
Hi Adam,

From a quick at the plugin code I think that those values are being overwritten. In the Plugin configuration make sure that you have password and password2 in the two password fields on the General tab.

webveins 27 Sep, 2011

Need an expert review on this,
I had activated auto password. The email to the use is just fine.
I used code {password} for auto password in email template for the user. But email looks like this:

Once you confirm your email address, you will be notified by email of the progress of your registration process.

Email :
Username : adfdd
Password: {password}

On activating debug I had the following information:

$post: Array ( [username] => adfdd [email] => [typeof_registration] => RAK Civil Services Employees [name] => sadf [lastname] => ABC [radio0] => Male [nationality] => United Arab Emirates [job_title] => sadfasdf [department] => asdf [emirates] => [add1] => [add2] => [city] => [state] => [pobox] => [country] => [telephone] => [mobile] => [chrono_verification] => nhins [button_7] => Submit [06c3f6758803902fe223b0bcc87b1728] => 1 [1cf1] => ada6ae91db3ba6e56ea39e064005324e [chronoformname] => Registration [recordtime] => 2011-09-27 - 01:54:21 [ipaddress] => [uid] => IMWI0MzkxNGYzZTJl407fa54b7a81cb7145d90e6503a8049f [cf_user_id] => 0 [password2] => bjVDa48w [password] => bjVDa48w )

Here password and password2 are showing its value but not in email. Where I am wrong? 😟
Thanks in Advance.
GreyHead 27 Sep, 2011
Hi Webveinds.

Please try {password2} in the email. I think one of them gets deleted after the User is created.

webveins 29 Sep, 2011

{password2} is also not working. This comes in the email now.
Email :
Username : adsf
Password: {password2}

How can it be fixed?
GreyHead 01 Oct, 2011
Hi webveins ,

I'm struggling a bit to work out what is happening here. I don't have CB installed to test with and neither Max nor I are CB users :-(

Are you using the Joomla! email or a ChronoForms email?

Checking the code the standard Joomla! Registration email looks as though it should work OK.

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