Hi Bob,
i need this:
I've a search in my chronoconnectivity head.
I write the information i want search and press "Trova"(search).
the serach result list is ok.
But after i press "Trova" all field in my "search" are empty.
This is my code in Where SQL:
i need this:
I've a search in my chronoconnectivity head.
I write the information i want search and press "Trova"(search).
the serach result list is ok.
But after i press "Trova" all field in my "search" are empty.
This is my code in Where SQL:
$search_array = array
('dig','dim','dia','provenienza','cognome','nome','cellulare','telefonofisso','citta','provincia','tipocontratto','tipoazienda','documentazione','ritardi','pignoramenti','protesti','fattibilità ','datascegli','daa','agente','dsa','dsmag','dsmam','dsmaa','esito');
$where = array();
foreach ( $search_array as $search ) {
$value = JRequest::getVar($search, '' , 'post');
if ( $value ) {
$where[] = " $search LIKE '$value%' ";
if ( !empty($where) ) {
echo " WHERE ".implode(' AND ', $where);
echo " ORDER BY cf_id DESC ";