
IE 7 Dies on page load

erich_prinz 08 Mar, 2010
We're running Joomla 1.5.11 and have had a form up and working until just recently. The form works perfectly in all other browsers with IE 7 being the exception. The only change was the update to a component called civiCRM to 3.1.3.

A screen shot is attached - if anyone has experienced this issue and knows the resolution, we'd be very grateful.

[attachment=0]PIE Nominations IE7 Error.jpg[/attachment]
GreyHead 09 Mar, 2010
Hi erich_prinz,

This problem seems to be linked to the way that ReCaptcha loads the scripts into the page. And I see that you are using the ReCaptcha plug-in. It's not consistent and appears to have something to do with the speed of loading.

The ChronoForms anti-spam ImageVerification doesn't have this problem so I'd suggest that you swap to using that.

erich_prinz 09 Mar, 2010
Thanks Bob. I'll make the switch.

Hi erich_prinz,

This problem seems to be linked to the way that ReCaptch loads the scripts into the page. And I see that you are using the ReCaptcha plug-in. It's not consistent and appears to have something to do with the speed of loading.

The ChronoForms anti-spam ImageVerification doesn't have this problem so I'd suggest that you swap to using that.


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