I am running 3.1_RC5.5 and everything has worked great for a couple of months. This morning I tried to access a form, but got a 404 component not found error. I can still access the component from the backend, create, edit, etc.
Also, the forms still appear, but cannot be submitted (same error) when loaded into an article.
Please Help!
Hi dstewart1017,
There's not enough info here to make even a vague guess at the cause. Nothing has changed in ChronoForms so something else has . . .
A link to the form, the exact text of the 404 message . . . ?
Thank you for the information.
I ftp'ed my site and looked for the components/com_chronocontact/chronocontact.php but it is not there.
I also ran the query and received the message:
Error executing query. Please check your query to make sure all fields and tables exist in the database. If you are trying to query a table not made by either the dbo or primary sql login, it may be necessary to use the table owners name first, i.e. ownername.tablename.
I tried adding my user name, database name, host name, but always get the same error.
If the file is not there, then that is most likely the cause for the problem. Assuming your current CF installation is v3.1RC5.5, you could download the installation file, unpack it, and upload all the missing files to the proper location. Best however, since you still got access to the admin-part of the component, would probably be to take a backup of any and all forms (make note of any CF-plugin settings, as these are not saved), then uninstall ChronoForms and reinstall it. You'd then have to restore any and all of the forms backed up.
If you've got an older version of CF, you'll either have to update your forms to work with 3.1RC5.5, or contact Max through the "Contact Us" link for an older installer.
Hi !
I had the same problem and here is how I solved it :
In Global Configuration > SEO Settings > Search Engine Friendly URLs to "NO"
Hope it helped
Au revoir
Hi -
I am also experiencing big problems with Chronoforms and Joomla 3.1 - I use the forms quite a bit and in fact had one easily up and running on J3.03 10 days ago, despite downloading what I believe is the correct version - ie. v4 stable - i am constantly getting an error 404?
Any help out there?
Many thanks
Hi Markbzim,
I've just upgraded one of my test sites to Joomla! 3.1.1 and ChronoForms v4.0 stable and I'm not seeing any errors. I'm not sure what to suggest here :-(
Please make sure your installer file's name has the correct Joomla version, in the case of J3.1, please make sure the installer has "J3.0" in the file's name!
ChronoForms developer...
Did you try ChronoMyAdmin for managing your Joomla database tables ?
Thanks all,
Apologies for delay - just downloaded the v4 stable j3.0 and seems great.
Appreciate it.