
Data Posting to Database Twice [SOLVED]

commitmenttitle 08 Mar, 2010
Whenever I fill out a form, it creates 2 identical records in the database (albeit a different cf_id). Any idea what might cause this?
GreyHead 08 Mar, 2010
Hi commitmenttitle,

Not in general. It does happen with ChronoConnectivity in certain circumstances; it might happen if the form is re-submitting itself for some reason. But not if the form has 'normal' settings.

commitmenttitle 08 Mar, 2010
ob, I found after further testing that it's only happening with ChronoConnectivity. What circumstances cause that, and how can I prevent it?
GreyHead 08 Mar, 2010
Hi commitmenttitle,

There's a separate thread about this - it I remember correctly the answer was to turn off the DB Connection in the form. This may mean that you need a second copy of the form so that there is one with the DB Connection on and the other with it off.

commitmenttitle 08 Mar, 2010
Sorry, I'm missing something here -- if I turn DB connection on the form off, how will it post to the DB when someone clicks "New" from the ChronoContact layout?
GreyHead 09 Mar, 2010
Hi commitmenttitle,

Please check the other thread. I tend to use direct links from ChronoConnectivity to avoid these problems.

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