
Export to Excel or CSV problems

mkok 06 Mar, 2010
Hi, First of all sorry for my bad english!
Today I install chronoforms in our web. Now, when I want to export data to an excel file some problem appears... Second file of MS Excel document says...

<b>Warning</b>: tempnam() [<a href='function.tempnam'>function.tempnam</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File() is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/cpnacara/:/tmp:/var/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php/) in <b>/home/cpnacara/domains/</b> on line <b>87</b><br />

And another question, CSV exports data very well but all of that in one file separated with commas, for example:

Can I have all of data in different rows? For example mail in A2, telf in B2...

Thanks a lot!
GreyHead 06 Mar, 2010
Hi mkok,

The open_basedir settings on your site are not allowing the ExcelWriter code to create a temporary file. Best thing to do is to turn open_basedir off - or open up the settings to allow the file to be written.

The .csv file will probably import correctly if you rename it to .txt (just odd).

mkok 06 Mar, 2010

Hi mkok,

The open_basedir settings on your site are not allowing the ExcelWriter code to create a temporary file. Best thing to do is to turn open_basedir off - or open up the settings to allow the file to be written.

The .csv file will probably import correctly if you rename it to .txt (just odd).


Hi Bob! Thank you very much for your fast reply!
I'm very inexpert... How Can I "turn off" open_basedir on? Can you post any display capture with an example? Thanks and sorry...

mkok 06 Mar, 2010

Hi mkok,

The open_basedir settings on your site are not allowing the ExcelWriter code to create a temporary file. Best thing to do is to turn open_basedir off - or open up the settings to allow the file to be written.

The .csv file will probably import correctly if you rename it to .txt (just odd).


Hi Bob! You are a Genius!!! Now, I export all my data to CSV but renamed to .txt and MS Excel ask to wich kink of data is... comma separate fields... And now I have my data in columns! I'm very happy!😛
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