
Email was working now is not

eric8655 03 Mar, 2010
I have 4 forms that were previously working. When I switched my Joomla install to another directory, all forms stopped emailing results. Any thoughts?
GreyHead 03 Mar, 2010
HI eric8655,

Does the site mailer work from the new folder?

ChronoForms just picks up folder settings from the site settings. But moving folders can have unexepected side effects :-(

eric8655 04 Mar, 2010
I completely uninstalled the component and mambot, reinstalled and still nothing. Site Mailer is working through contact form
GreyHead 04 Mar, 2010
Hi eric8655,

What output do you get if you submit a form with Debug turned on in the Form General Tab?

eric8655 04 Mar, 2010
1 Form passed first SPAM check OK
2 Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
3 Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
4 Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
5 $_POST Array: Array ( [radio0] => Small Business and Ethics - 20HR - Cost $99 [first-name] => eric [last-name] => b [address] => street [city] => city [State] => ca [zip] => 99999 [Contact] => Email [phone] => 555-555-5555 [email] => [email][/email] [chrono_verification] => n9isL [button_14] => Enroll Now [a09cf507050fb6d856289cbfaa741a8f] => 1 [1cf1] => 7605b3859d163e441fc81d202936c1a4 [chronoformname] => enrollment )
6 $_FILES Array: Array ( )
7 Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
8 Debug End
Redirect link set, click to test:
GreyHead 04 Mar, 2010
Hi eric8655,

There's no entry for the Email there so it's disabled, either on the form General Tab, or - more likely - in the Email Setup Properties box.

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