
TableChronoContact::store failed

wescott 25 Feb, 2010
i made a form for some of the pages on my joomla site. All was working great. Then i upgraded joomla and chronoforms and all seems to work great - BUT - when i decided to change the email address of the person the email was sent to, i got this error message: TableChronoContact::store failed - Unknown column 'stylecode' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `jos_chrono_contact` SET `name`='PowerQualityEquipment',`html`='

Does anyone know how to fix this issue??
GreyHead 25 Feb, 2010
Hi Bill,

Please click the "Upgrade SQL and Load Demo Form" link in the Forms Manager.

wescott 25 Feb, 2010
I actually saw that just after i posted and sure enough that solved it๐Ÿ™‚ THANK YOU For your prompt reply as well. Sometimes the simplest of things cause so much trouble !!

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