
Tools menu appear below form edit area

tom-505 21 Feb, 2010
Not sure if this us a bug, but somehow my tools menu decided to move below the edit form area. I did not ask it to go there so please let me know how to get it back on the right side where I like it much better!

Thanks in advance.

GreyHead 21 Feb, 2010
Hi Tom,

I've no idea - we used to see this sometimes with earlier versions but it hasn't been reported for many months now. Could be that something else in your site admin area is breaking the layout????

tom-505 22 Feb, 2010
Not that I can see. It just started today. It's rally annoying since I can't reach/see the apply button. When I scroll down the page the toolbox sort of runs ahead making me play a game of catch-up and I can't win!
tom-505 22 Feb, 2010
I just tried this in IE and it is back on the right side. So, something in Firefox makes it move down under, hmmm

Dang got to use IE!!

tom-505 22 Feb, 2010
Works in Opera too... :mrgreen:

tom-505 22 Feb, 2010
Solved: When I zoom out a couple of ticks with Firefox the Toolbox jumps down. This also occur in IE but not in Opera.

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