Replying for an old thread, cause it is the one that describes my problem very well.
I'm on CC 2.0 RC3 and forms of ChronoContact V3.2.
It was the same as described by sendas though I don't use any SEFs, the server is on intranet only.
After deep debugging I found that the problem is
in the class CFChronoForm in the body of the method getInstance:
function &getInstance($formname = ''){
static $instances;
global $mainframe;
if (!isset ($instances)) {
$instances = array ();
The variable $instances for some reason is static and stores static values.
And that's the reason I got filled in the form instead of empty for a new one.
For the experiment I commented out the static line, the values dissapeared but
storing the record did not work.
I don't want to move to recent versions.
Maybe this info would help someone to patch it or get some clue for the problem.