
Cant get Profile page plugin to work

rahulngupta 15 Feb, 2010

I am trying hard to retrieve data using the Profile page plugin but have not been successful as yet.

I am pulling Author information etc. from the table jos_content. I have enabled the Profile plugin in the plugin page, also mentioned the target field values etc.

However it appears that Chronoform is not able to read information from the url.

What could I be missing.

GreyHead 15 Feb, 2010
Hi Rahul,

I don't think that there is any author information in jos_content other than user_ids.

rahulngupta 15 Feb, 2010

I have added a few fields in the jos_content. Notwithstanding that I am not able to retrieve any information from jos_content.

GreyHead 15 Feb, 2010
Hi Rahul,

It's generally nto a good idea to hack the core Joomla tables!

You should still be able to pick up whatever info is there though. It's impossible to say much more than that with the info you've posted here.

rahulngupta 17 Feb, 2010

A more detailed overview of the problem is posted hereunder:

- I tried extracting data from other tables like jos_comprofiler. It did not work in this case either. So it is possible that I am making a fundamental mistake. However when I login with a username password on the website the profile page plugin seems to work when extracting data from the jos_comprofiler table.

- Here is what I am doing:
First I have made a form with the name statusupdate. A few lines of the code are as here under. Most of the lines are test lines just to see if any data is being extracted.

echo $c;
echo $q;
echo "{firstname}";
echo "Hi";
<input type="hidden" name="user_id">

Then I go to the plugin tabs and tick the profile plugin for this form.

Next I go to the Profile Page configuration and make the following settings:

Next I open the form using the following link:

It doesnt seem to work. Next if I login onto the website with username,pwd: guest,guest the plugin seems to work.

Kindly let me know what I am missing or doing wrong.

Thanks a lot for attending to my problems.

Rahul Gupta
rahulngupta 21 Feb, 2010
Wanted to check if the above details are enough, or should I be posting more details.

Thanks again.

GreyHead 21 Feb, 2010
Hi Rahul,

It looks OK to me - what 'doesn't work'??

Remember that there is no information to find in CB for a 'guest' so the plugin will only show useful information if you are logged in.

rahulngupta 03 Mar, 2010
When you go on the link posted above i.e.:

It should ideally display the firstname,lastname of the user with userid 1177 on the form as per the code given above.
This doesn't happen and all I see is:

Even after logging in with the username,pwd - guest,guest what I see is the details of the user guest, while instead it should show details of the userid 1177

This is the problem. I hope I have been able to explain it. The bottom line is that I have tried to make the profile plugin work multiple times but have failed. The steps I follow are as above. I am not able to extract data from any table. Kindly help.

GreyHead 03 Mar, 2010
Hi Rahul,

Silly question; but is the plugin enabled on the Form Plugins tab - enabled plugins have green bars, disabled have red bars?

rahulngupta 03 Mar, 2010
Yes the plugin is enabled on the form plugins tab. Also wanted to mention that the version of chronoforms I am using is an older one, so instead of the red and green bars I have simply enabled the plugin using the combo box beside it in the plugins tab. I am not sure of the version number I am using but it has features like the wizard edit etc.

Hope this helps.

GreyHead 03 Mar, 2010
Hi Rahul,

Sorry, I'm out of ideas here. It just looks as though ChronoForms isn't seeing the plug-in at all.

Could you update to the current version?

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