
Captcha not showing when using plugin

buddyq 15 Feb, 2010
This link to the form given in the Chronoforms page works:

The page I have the plugin code {chronocontact}Contact{/chronocontact} brings the form in but does not show the captcha of {imageverification}.

Please help. I have never had this problem before and its working on all my other sites.

Running the latest version of ChronoForms.

Thanks in advance.

GreyHead 15 Feb, 2010
Hi Buddy,

I just checked on my test site and it works OK here.

Do you have any plugins enabled on the form that might interfere with the parsing?

GreyHead 16 Feb, 2010
Hi Buddy,

I suspect this may be a problem with having the site in a subdirectory.

Do you have a $live_site setting in the site Configuration file? (See Help | System info | Configuration File).

buddyq 18 Feb, 2010
var $live_site = '';

Thats what I have. Thanks. I will put in the path to my joomla folder and see what happens... i'll update. Should I put the live site like ''?

I tried putting my url as above and it still does not show up.

nml375 18 Feb, 2010
It would appear the 'imagever' form parameter is not seen as 'Yes' when the form is shown through the plugin. Actually, when looking alittle closer, it would seem none of the form parameters are loaded properly. I've yet to figure the cause of this however.

buddyq 19 Feb, 2010
ANy word about this? I have the errors turned on.

I have reinstalled ChronoForms and updated sql. I am even using the demo form that comes with the sql update to try it out. No luck yet. Weird because its only NOT working through the plugin. It does work if I reach the form directly with menu.

nml375 19 Feb, 2010
Hi Buddy,
Sorry, havn't come around to check this until now. Thanks for reminding me.
At a first glance, there's alot of warnings regarding the JParameter class, which are not present when the form is viewed through the CF component. I'll look deeper into this during the evening.

nml375 19 Feb, 2010
Oh.. forgot,
Could you please post which version of the component and plugin you are using?

buddyq 20 Feb, 2010
I have:
component 3.1 RC5.5
plugin: V3.1 RC4.11
nml375 20 Feb, 2010
Hi Buddy,
That is a very old version of the plugin, and it is not compatible with the v3.1RC5.5 component. Please download the recent version of the plugin (v3.1RC5.2) instead.

buddyq 20 Feb, 2010
Ah! Now its working and no errors! Thanks a lot. I could have sworn I had the latest plugin version. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it!

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