
ReCaptcha Display Renders Incorrectly

erich_prinz 12 Feb, 2010
A little odd. This only occurs on the Chronos created forms for the ReCaptcha. Unsure if this is a bug in the code for the page or not. See the attached screen shot for more details.

p.s. Great component .. whipped out a form on a last minute "gotta get this done" thing for a client and it was super easy to knock out for them ...[attachment=0]Picture 4.png[/attachment]
GreyHead 12 Feb, 2010
Hi erich_prinz,

There's just a little mismatch in the CSS. Try
<div class="form_item">
  <div class="cf_captcha">
  <div class="cfclear"> </div>

Hines 21 Feb, 2010
Could someone please provide the path to this css code? I do not see anything like <div></div> in the css files under the "themes" folder.
GreyHead 21 Feb, 2010
Hi Hines,

The <div>s are html not CSS; look in the Form HTML box.

You're going to find a decent HTML debugger useful. Try FireBug for FireFox, or the built-in Chrome debugger; or even DeBug Bar for IE.

Hines 26 Feb, 2010
Thankyou, Greyhead. ChronoEngine support is impeccable!
helwoe 07 Jun, 2010
Yay... this helped me!


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