
Broken submit button

firepowersite 03 Feb, 2010
First off as a new poster let me say hi to everyone here!

I joined because I've recently taken over the job of maintaining the website for our business and have been trying to get to grips with Joomla/chronoforms and have come up against a problem.

I made some changes to our booking form and everything was working ok at the end of last week. I added a few lines of text this morning however and have managed to break the submit button for the form. Although I took a backup of the original page it seems to have become an issue there also (I could have mistakenly saved that when referring to it earlier to try and find the problem).

I was hoping someone might be able to help me figure out what's gone wrong? Unfortunately I haven't had much experience using Joomla/Chronoforms so I'm trying to learn it as I go but this particular problem has me stumped because I'm not sure what the code is meant to be.

Here's the code for the form, does anything leap at any of you as being completely wrong?

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_heading"><h1 id="" class="cf_text">Booking Form</h1></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_text"><span class="cf_text">Please complete the form below to make your booking.  Once submitted you will
be taken to a page where you can buy the best package to suit your group. <b> Please note that your booking is not confirmed until your payment is received.</b></span></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_dropdown"><label class="cf_label">Site</label><select class="cf_inputbox validate-selection" id="select_3" size="1" 

name="select_3"><option value="-------">-------</option><option value="-------">-------</option><option value="Warrington Outdoor">Warrington Outdoor</option></select><a 

onclick="return false;" class="tooltiplink"><img  src="components/com_chronocontact/css/images/tooltip.png" class="tooltipimg" width="16" border="0" height="16"></a><div  

class="tooltipdiv">Site :: Please Pick The Site You Require</div></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_datetimepicker"><label class="cf_label">Date</label><input onclick="new Calendar(this);" class="cf_datetime required" 

size="20" id="date_5" name="date_5" type="text"><a onclick="return false;" class="tooltiplink"><img  src="components/com_chronocontact/css/images/tooltip.png" class="tooltipimg" 

width="16" border="0" height="16"></a><div  class="tooltipdiv">Date :: Please pick the date you wish to book</div></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_text"><span class="cf_text">* Please note that <b>midweek bookings require a minimum of 20 players.</b></span></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_checkbox"><label class="cf_label">Session(s)?</label><div class="float_left"><input value="Morning" class="radio" 

id="Morning" name="Morning" type="checkbox"><label for="Morning" class="check_label">Morning</label><br><input value="Afternoon" class="radio" id="Afternoon" name="Afternoon" 

type="checkbox"><label for="Afternoon" class="check_label">Afternoon</label><br><input value="All Day" class="radio" id="All Day" name="All Day" type="checkbox"><label for="All 

Day" class="check_label">All Day</label><br></div><a onclick="return false;" class="tooltiplink"><img  src="components/com_chronocontact/css/images/tooltip.png" 

class="tooltipimg" width="16" border="0" height="16"></a><div  class="tooltipdiv">Session(s)? :: Please Tick The Session(s) Required (All Day Is Morning & Afternoon)

</div></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_text"><span class="cf_text">** Lunch is included with <b>morning</b> and <b>All day</b> bookings.  A vegetarian option is available, please mention in the comments section if any of your group require this.</span></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_textbox"><label class="cf_label">Players</label><input class="cf_inputbox required validate-number" maxlength="3" size="30" 

id="text_9" name="text_9" type="text"><a onclick="return false;" class="tooltiplink"><img  src="components/com_chronocontact/css/images/tooltip.png" class="tooltipimg" 

width="16" border="0" height="16"></a><div  class="tooltipdiv">Players :: How Many Players?</div></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_textbox"><label class="cf_label">Contact Number</label><input class="cf_inputbox required validate-number" maxlength="15" 

size="30" id="text_11" name="text_11" type="text"><a onclick="return false;" class="tooltiplink"><img  src="components/com_chronocontact/css/images/tooltip.png" 

class="tooltipimg" width="16" border="0" height="16"></a><div  class="tooltipdiv">Contact Number :: Please Enter A Contact Telephone Number</div></div><div 

class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_textbox"><label class="cf_label">Contact Email</label><input class="cf_inputbox required validate-email" maxlength="150" 

size="30" id="text_12" name="text_12" type="text"><a onclick="return false;" class="tooltiplink"><img  src="components/com_chronocontact/css/images/tooltip.png" 

class="tooltipimg" width="16" border="0" height="16"></a><div  class="tooltipdiv">Contact Email :: Please Enter A Contact Email</div></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_textarea"><label class="cf_label">Comments?</label><textarea class="cf_inputbox" rows="2" id="text_10" cols="30" 

name="text_10"></textarea><a onclick="return false;" class="tooltiplink"><img  src="components/com_chronocontact/css/images/tooltip.png" class="tooltipimg" width="16" border="0" 

height="16"></a><div  class="tooltipdiv">Comments? :: Anything Else You Wish To Add?</div></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_captcha"><label class="cf_label">Verification</label><span>{imageverification}</span><a onclick="return false;" 

class="tooltiplink"><img  src="components/com_chronocontact/css/images/tooltip.png" class="tooltipimg" width="16" border="0" height="16"></a><div  

class="tooltipdiv">Verification :: Please Enter The Characters Shown In The Image</div></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

<div  class="form_item"><div class="form_element cf_button"><input value="Book" name="button_1" type="Book"><a onclick="return false;" class="tooltiplink"><img  src="components/com_chronocontact/css/images/tooltip.png" class="tooltipimg" width="16" border="0" height="16"></a><div  class="tooltipdiv">Submit :: Submit Your Form / Reset</div><input value="Reset" type="reset"></div><div class="clear"> </div></div>

I also took a couple of screencaps incase they might be of any use

We are using Joomla v1.5.8

Many thanks


EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention is that the reset button works ok, just the submit (Book)button does not work. It is behaving like a textbox now with Book written inside it. You can click inside the square and get a cursor and actully delete the book text or write you own. :?
GreyHead 03 Feb, 2010
Hi firepowersite,

A submit button is an input tag with type='submit' yours has type='Book' which isn't a valid type.

firepowersite 04 Feb, 2010
Hi Bob,

Thanks for your quick reply. You were spot-on, guess I couldn't see the wood for the trees :mrgreen:

Thanks again
yasa 05 May, 2010
I couldn`t solve a problem: submit button is not funсtioning. Description of the error from Firefox is -

reps.breakOnThisError has not source file for error.href:
$("ccname_" + submitid).value is undefined
[Break on this error] if($('ccname_'+submitid).value.trim() == ''){

Pleas help me, what I must to do for making it function. Before I tried to change the template, but the result was the same. My site is working on Joomla 1.5.11 and the library is GD2. Thank you!
GreyHead 05 May, 2010
Hi yasa,

Please post a link to the form.

GreyHead 05 May, 2010
Hi yasa,

That's ChronoComments (not ChronoForms) which I don't know much about.

My best guess is that there's a conflict with JQuery or one of the other scripts that are loading. If you run JQuery in noConflict mode that may solve teh problem.

yasa 06 May, 2010
Hi, Bob!
Thank you for your attantion to me. I also put chronoforms and here the button is functioning: It seems to me very strange. In any case fank`s, I`ll search else.
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