
live validation resize problem

Martin Tomczyk 29 Jan, 2010

I'm wondering if anybody has a fix for the small resize problem when using default style.
Example can be seen live on chronoengines contact site:
if you enter nothing and the field turns red a small resize happens. Thats because a border is set
and before the validation its just the default os/browser field.
Adding a border to the field ends up with the validation colour only showing up on hover.

GreyHead 29 Jan, 2010
Hi Martin,

This is one of those little IE problesm that I've never quite cracked. I think that you are on the right lines with setting a default border. Not sure exactly what the 'right' CSS is though.

Martin Tomczyk 29 Jan, 2010
Hi Bob,

thanks for the quick reply. I'm facing the problem also with firefox on chronoengine site.
Well I think I will have to digg deeply into my css-treasure-chest๐Ÿ™‚
If I find some time and the soluton I will post it of course.

Martin Tomczyk 29 Jan, 2010
I fixed it with putting
.cf_inputbox {
	border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;

in the first lines into consolidated_common.css
Now IE and FF don't have these reisze problems.๐Ÿ™‚
Maybe someone can doublecheck it
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