
reCaptcha and subdomains

ajw3208 17 Jan, 2010
Hi Max and Bob,

I have noticed a peculiar behavior when it comes to leveraging ReCapthca.

I have a form with ReCaptch working (created a wizard form, added recapthca from the toolbox, enabled the plugin from the form management screen and then enabled the image via the anti-spam tab). If you are using this method (as opposed to enabling the plugin and adding {ReCaptcha} in the form) then the key here is that when you enable the image in the anti-spam tab, a sample image should be shown. (means you stand a real good chane it will work)

in my working form, I see this image.

Having got this form working, I backed it up, ready for the next stage


I create a new full joomla 1.5 build in a subdirectory under my main site,
main site:
New site

and add both Chrono components. I then restore the form mentioned above. so far so good.

I notice 2 things;

1. The Recaptcha image on the form is not shown.
2. upon subsequent investigation I notice that in the Anti-Spam tab, the sample image is no longer present.

It seems odd that a form that is effectively one level up in the directory structure works and install it one level down and BANG!



GreyHead 17 Jan, 2010
Hi ajw3208,

I'm a little confused. The ChronoForms built in Anti-Spam Imageverification is completely separate from the ReCaptch Plugin (an option for people who asked for a different approach). So you shouldn't normally have the Plugin Enabled and Anti-Spam on.

The main reasons I an think of for the built-in anti-spam not working in a subdomain are (a) the foder permissions aren't correct, (b) the default site URL doesn't include the sub-domain part (this seems to happen when 'live_site' is wrongly set in the configuration.php file).

ajw3208 19 Jan, 2010
Hi Bob,

Thanks for clarifying you don't need to tick the plugin to use the wizard and anti-spam. Could I suggest a little tutorial on this as there is so mcuh forum discussion on this, that is very confusing and difficult to get a clear answer. coming from you, or in the tut section would be a great help.

One the possible config.php error:

What var am I looking for? I have checked both version of the configuration file and the only discernible difference if the logpath and temppath.

On the primary site they are set to /log and /tmp respectievly. one the subdirectory sites, they are set to the full path e.g /home/domainname/public_html/sitename/log and /tmp.

all sites have the 'livesite' var set to ''

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