
Again,it doesnt validate...

babylon 16 Jan, 2010
Hi, here we go again...
with my other same topic it was realy fast solved...
but i dont see whats wrong now...

<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" class="tbmain">
<tr><td class="topleft" width="10" height="10"> </td>
<td class="topmid"> </td>
<td class="topright" width="10" height="10"> </td>
<td class="midleft" width="10">   </td>
<td class="midmid" valign="top">
<div id="main"> 
<div class="pagebreak"> 
<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
 <tr >
  <td colspan="2" class="left" >
 <tr >
  <td colspan="2" class="left" ><br><br>
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" >
   <label >Bedrijfsnaam:</label>
  <td class="right" >
   <input type="text" size="40" name="Bedrijfsnaam" class="slidetext" value="" id="q10"  maxlength="100" maxsize="100" />
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" >
   Uw Naam<label ><span class="style1">*</span>:</label>
  <td class="right" >
   <input type="text" size="40" name="Naam" class="slidetext" value="" id="q0"  maxlength="100" maxsize="100" />
 <tr >
  <td class="left"  valign="top" style="width: 335px" >
   <label>Man / Vrouw<span class="style1">*</span></label>
  <td class="right">
   <select class="other" name="ManVrouw" id="q14" >
   <option>---maak een keuze--</option>
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" >
   <label >Telefoon<span class="style1">*</span>:</label>
  <td class="right" >
   <input type="text" size="40" name="Telefoon" class="slidetext" value="" id="q23"  maxlength="100" maxsize="100" />
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" >
   <label >E-mail adres<span class="style1">*</span>:</label>
  <td class="right" >
   <input type="text" size="40" name="Emailadres" class="slidetext" value="" id="q2"  maxlength="100" maxsize="100" />
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" >
   <label >Aantal personen:</label>
  <td class="right" >
   <input type="text" size="40" name="Aantalpersonen" class="slidetext" value="" id="q15"  maxlength="100" maxsize="100" />
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" >
  <td class="right" >
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" >
   In de periode van:</td>
<td class="right">
<td style="width: 335px"><strong>Van: </strong> </td>
<input type="text" size="20" maxlength="150" name="aankomst[]" id="arrival" value="">
<input type="reset" class="button" value="Datum" onclick="return showCalendar('arrival', 'mm-dd-y');" >
            <td style="width: 335px"><strong>Tot:</strong></td>
              <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="150" name="vertrek[]" id="departure" value="">
<input type="reset" class="button" value="Datum" onclick="return showCalendar('departure', 'mm-dd-y');" >
            <td style="width: 335px"> </td>
<tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" valign="top" >
   <label >Ik wil graag meer informatie ontvangen over<span class="style1">*</span>:</label></td>
  <td class="right" >
   <textarea name="meerinfo" class="slidetext" id="q24" style="width: 312px; height: 102px" ></textarea>
<tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" valign="top" >
  <td class="right" >
 <tr >
  <td class="left"  valign="top" style="width: 335px" >Hoe heeft u ons gevonden:</td>
  <td class="right">
   <select class="other" name="Hoeheeftuonsgevonden" id="q20" >
  <option>---maak een keuze--</option>
    <option>Andere zoekmachine</option>
    <option>Links verzamelpagina</option>
    <option>Banner op internet</option>
    <option>Via Hyves</option>
    <option>Via Twitter</option>
    <option>Een andere collega</option>
    <option>Advertentie in krant</option>
    <option>Artikel in watersportblad</option>
    <option>Vriend, kennis of collega</option>
    <option>Banner op internet</option>
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" >
   <label >Anders namelijk:</label>
  <td class="right" >
   <input type="text" size="40" name="Andersnamelijk" class="slidetext" value="" id="q24"  maxlength="100" maxsize="100" />
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" >
  <td class="right" >
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px; height: 77px;" >
   Type de veiligheidscode over:</td>
  <td class="right" style="height: 77px" >
 <tr >
  <td class="left" style="width: 335px" > 
  <td class="right">
  <input type="submit" class="btn" value="Submit" />
<td class="midright" width="10">   </td>

The fields i want to validate are: Naam,ManVrouw,Emailadres,Telefoon,meerinfo
And thats how ive put it in the ...........1 - required (not blank) area...

So what have i done wrong this time...?
GreyHead 17 Jan, 2010
Hi Babylon,

Please can you post a link to the form.

Hard to see what is happening from the Form HTML alone.


PS 'Required' will not work with Select drop-downs as they can't be 'empty' in the same way as inputs, you need 'select-one-required'
babylon 17 Jan, 2010
sure bob,here...
GreyHead 17 Jan, 2010
Hi babylon,

Validation works OK in FireFox - if it's not working in IE then most likely it's because you have JQuery loading from the template and JQuery conflicts with the MooTools library used by Joomla and by ChronoForms. You can test by adding &tmpl=component to the form url.

If JQuery is the problem then you can get round this by putting JQuery into no-conflict mode.

babylon 17 Jan, 2010
Hi Bob,

JQuery into no-conflict mode

Where do i set that?
GreyHead 17 Jan, 2010
Hi Babylon,

I don't remember off but there are a couple of threads in the forums here that tell you how to do it. And I guess that your template designer may have it somewhere?

babylon 17 Jan, 2010
that will be difficult bob as 3 other things in the site are using JQuery

joomla tags (blue flame)
GreyHead 17 Jan, 2010
Hi babylon,

You need to switch JQuery to non-conflict mode, you don't need to remove it. IIRC one line in the page header is enough.

babylon 17 Jan, 2010
You mean this?

<script type="text/javascript">jQuery.noConflict();</script>

That doesnt help as it then shows the error j.Query is not defined..
and i can still send a blank form..
GreyHead 17 Jan, 2010
Hi babylon,

It probably needs to run after JQuery is loaded then. I'm sorry, I don't know much about JQuery.

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