
Error when editing form

WalkerDPlank 11 Jan, 2010
I get this error when trying to edit a form. It appears below the chronoforms top menu and above the tooltip. It seems to appear randomly. I'd say it's up there about 90% of the time and 10% it's fine.

newLabel.createElement().injectTop(theitem); }else {} form_item = new Element('div').setProperty("class", 'form_item_email'); theitem.injectInside(form_item); theitem = form_item; // add main attributes theitem.getLast().injectHTML('', 'after'); theitem.getLast().setStyle('display', 'none'); theitem.getLast().addEvent('click', function(e) { new Event(e).stop(); this.getParent().remove(); if(($chk($E('input[name^=to_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dto_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=subject_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dsubject_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromname_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromemail_]', droparea))) ){ droparea.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('CEFF63','CEFF63'); }else{ var email_params = $('params_'+droparea.getProperty('name')).value.split(','); $('params_'+droparea.getProperty('name')).value = email_params[0] + ',' + email_params[1] + ',' + '0,1,1'; $('prop_cf_Email_enable').value = 0; $('prop_cf_Email_enable').disabled = true; droparea.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('FFAEA5','FFAEA5'); } }) theitem.getLast().injectHTML('

', 'after'); theitem.addEvents({ 'mouseover': function(e) { //new Event(e).stop(); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('E7DFE7','E7DFE7'); }, 'mouseout': function(e) { //new Event(e).stop(); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('ffffff','ffffff'); }, 'click': function(e) { //new Event(e).stop(); $ES('.form_item_email',droparea).each(function(item2){ item2.setStyle('border', '0px solid #000'); $E('.delete_icon', item2).setStyle('display', 'none'); }); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('ffffff','ffffff'); theitem.setStyle('border', '1px solid #000'); $E('.delete_icon', theitem).setStyle('display', 'inline'); } }); theitem.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('E7DFE7','E7DFE7'); var dropthis = 1; if((thisitemtype == 'cf_fromemail')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dfromemail')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=fromemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromemail_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one From Email or Dynamic From Email is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_fromname')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dfromname')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=fromname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromname_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one From Name or Dynamic From Name is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_replytoemail')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dreplytoemail')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=replytoemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dreplytoemail_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one ReplyTo Email or Dynamic ReplyTo Email is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_replytoname')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dreplytoname')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=replytoname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dreplytoname_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one ReplyTo Name or Dynamic ReplyTo Name is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if((thisitemtype == 'cf_subject')||(thisitemtype == 'cf_dsubject')){ if($chk($E('input[name^=subject_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dsubject_]', droparea))){ $('logdiv').setText('Only one Subject or Dynamic Subject is accepted per Email'); dropthis = 0; } } if(dropthis == 1) theitem.injectBefore(droparea.getLast()); counter = counter + 1; if($chk($E('div[class=infodiv]', droparea)))$E('div[class=infodiv]', droparea).remove(); if(($chk($E('input[name^=to_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dto_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=subject_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dsubject_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromname_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromname_]', droparea))) && ($chk($E('input[name^=fromemail_]', droparea)) || $chk($E('input[name^=dfromemail_]', droparea))) ){ droparea.effect('background-color', {wait: false, duration: 100}).start('CEFF63','CEFF63'); if(droparea.getProperty('id') == 'cf_email_active'){ $('prop_cf_Email_enable').disabled = false; } } //$('emailbuilder').setStyle('height', ($('left_column2').getCoordinates().height + $('top_column2').getCoordinates().height) ); }, 'over': function() { //dropFx.start('98B5C1'); }, 'leave': function() { //dropFx.start('ffffff'); } }); }); //counter = counter + 1; var drag2 = clone.makeDraggable({ droppables: $ES('div[class=cf_email]', $('left_column2')) }); // this returns the dragged element drag2.start(e); // start the event manual }); }); var Tips1 = new ChronoTips($('cf_to')); var Tips2 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dto')); var Tips3 = new ChronoTips($('cf_subject')); var Tips4 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dsubject')); var Tips5 = new ChronoTips($('cf_cc')); var Tips6 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dcc')); var Tips7 = new ChronoTips($('cf_bcc')); var Tips8 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dbcc')); var Tips9 = new ChronoTips($('cf_fromname')); var Tips10 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dfromname')); var Tips11 = new ChronoTips($('cf_fromemail')); var Tips12 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dfromemail')); var Tips90 = new ChronoTips($('cf_replytoname')); var Tips100 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dreplytoname')); var Tips110 = new ChronoTips($('cf_replytoemail')); var Tips120 = new ChronoTips($('cf_dreplytoemail')); var Tipsnew = new ChronoTips($('cf_newemail')); var Tipsdel = new ChronoTips($('cf_delemail')); }); window.addEvent('domready', function() { var top ;//= $('right_column').getPosition().y - 2; var marginChange = new Fx.Style('right_column', 'margin-top', {wait:false, duration:500, transition:Fx.Transitions.Elastic.easeOut}); window.addEvent('scroll', function() { if(!top)top = $('right_column').getPosition().y; marginChange.start(Math.max(0, window.getScrollTop() - top)); }); });

GreyHead 11 Jan, 2010
Hi WalkerDPlank,

This is a part of the ChronoForms JavaScript - we've had 2 or 3 reports of this in the forums here here but have never satisfactorily pinned down the cause, except to say that it happens when there is some kind of JavaScript error or conflict :-(

WalkerDPlank 11 Jan, 2010
I can recreate it if your looking for a fix. PM me if interested and I'll give you admin control.
GreyHead 11 Jan, 2010
Hi WalkerDPlank,

Thanks, I'll pass the offer on to Max.

GreyHead 02 Feb, 2010

I've still never seen this and don't have any idea what causes it. Do please drop Max a message through the Contact Us link above.

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