
Any step-by-step manual to set up Authorize.Net plugin?

levant 08 Jan, 2010
I just bought the license of Authorize.Net. So I did the following step-by-step on Chronoform admin page:

1) Check the checkbox of the form that I'd like to apply the plugin into (the form is already loaded with textboxes etc.)
2) Click Authorize.Net plugin link on the left column to go to its edit page
3) Click the Authorize.Net tab then enter API login id and Transaction Key. I also set Debugging as "Yes" and Testing as "Yes" then go to General tab and set Run Before/After Email to "Before Email".
4) Click Save to go back to the main page
5) Then click the form to go to its edit page (not Authorize.Net plugin link).
6) Click the Plugins tab then click Authorize.Net plugin to activate it (now the bar color is green)
7) Click Save.

And now what? I know there are more steps to be done because the form still doesn't show the fields of the credit card#, address etc. But I have no clue how. I found several posts regarding Authorize.Net plugin in this forum but none of them help much as a starting guide for newbies like me:

Can we please have Authorize.Net plugin tutorial to be posted either in "Tutorial" page or in the forum as a sticky post so that it'll be easy to find? Thanks in advance!
gerryf 09 Jan, 2010
Yes, that would be most helpful. I can understand people being left to fend for themselves for a free plug in, but when you have to pay for the plug-in a little tutorial would be useful for us newbs. I've been kind of stumbling through trying to make this work for the past couple of days, and I willingly admit the problem is likely on my end, but I tend to be one of those people who learns by seeing examples.

The paypal tutorial is pretty good and gives one some insight into the plugin (I think) but even it is way out of date.
GreyHead 09 Jan, 2010
Hi there,

I don't have an account to check. I did once set it up for a client and is seemed very straightforward using the PayPal/ REDirect setups as a guide.

And yes, it was one of the earlier plugins that Max created for ChronoForms.

gerryf 09 Jan, 2010
I think at least part of the problem is that you've made everything else so easy with form building that even a complete non-programmer can achieve a great degree of success, but with the plug-ins, when something is slightly off but a programmer type would simply say, "Oh, I see" the masses that were attracted to chronoforms in the first place because of its simplicity are completely lost.

Flipping through the forums, it's pretty clear that two of the more interesting plug-ins--the CB registration and the things that your medium level joomla users are going to be very interested in.

Community Builder is extensively documented so even someone as ignorent about programming as I can muddle through. Now we want to take it to another level so we turn to Chronoforms thinking "hey this sounds great" but then it's not quite as simple as it seems.

And the real problem is we don't even know enough about programming to explain what we don't know...
levant 11 Jan, 2010
Yeah, the programming part can be a headache for newbies (like me). I hope developers do not make general assumption that their clients are all top-level-programmers and that they immediately know what to do next without asking anything. :mrgreen:

I follow the Paypal plugin guidance all the way down until we have to put the code in the OnSubmit after email box (this step is right after setting up the template email):

$MyPlugins =& CFPlugins::getInstance($MyForm->formrow->id);
  $MyPlugins->runPlugin('after_email', array('ONSUBMIT', 'ONLOADONSUBMIT'), 'cf_paypal_api');
  if($MyPlugins->cf_paypal_api['payment_status'] == 'SUCCESS'){
    echo  "Thank you for registering at You will be recieving a confirmation email shortly";
    $MyFormEmails =& CFEMails::getInstance($MyForm->formrow->id);
    $MyFormEmails->setEmailData(1, 'enabled', '1');
    $MyFormEmails->sendEmails($MyForm, $MyFormEmails->emails);
    $regUser = new JUser($MyPlugins->cf_joomla_registration['user']->id);
    $MyForm->addErrorMsg( 'An error occured : '.$MyPlugins->cf_paypal_api['error_message'] );
    $MyForm->haltFunction["autogenerated_after_email"] = true;
  $MyForm->haltFunction["autogenerated_after_email"] = true;

Now is this the same code for plugin? If different, what changes do I need to make to the code above?

Also, is there a way to make the form go to SSL and/or https mode?
Deacil 28 Jan, 2010
Were you able to get this to work? I am beginning a project that needs a simple payment form and I was hoping this would work. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Bamzi 30 Aug, 2011
Okay, thanks for all these. I see the gateway is in Sandbox mode. Does switching to live mode change anything?

I've asked the developer to look at these with me too..
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