
displaying error messages

jrthor2 05 Jan, 2010
When I have errors on a form, and they show at the top in the red box, In IE, I am getting an empty red box above where the errors actually displayed. Firefox shows fine. Google Chrome shows the red box, and the error message below the red box. How can I fix this?

GreyHead 05 Jan, 2010
Hi jrthor2,

It will be something to do with the CSS but I can't visualise exactly what you are describing.

GreyHead 05 Jan, 2010
Hi jrthor2,

Interesting, I've never seen that before. It's some kind of interaction between the css and the HTML but I have no idea what :-(

Try changing the <p> wrapping the message to a <div> ??

jrthor2 05 Jan, 2010
Could you tell me where the <p> tag is that surrounds the <span class="cf_alert"> tag? I found where the <span> tag is coming from, in chronocontact.html.php, but can't seem to find the surrounding <p> tag.

jrthor2 05 Jan, 2010
Nevermind, I think i got it. I have the form inside an article, using php in my article, and it was putting the <p> around the form. I changed the code to a <div> and it workded fine
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