
Activation link generates an http 404 error

theintz 04 Jan, 2010

I just used the registration plugin to create a new user. I received the activation email and upon hitting the activation link, the standard Apache "404 page not found" page was displayed.

The activation link received was

The user does appear in the Administrator's User Manager list as disabled. I tried to view the jos_user's table using a SQL client, It failed due to a invalid value (0) for the last visited time stamp.


GreyHead 04 Jan, 2010
Hi Tim,

Are you seeing the Apache 404 page - or one of the Joomla triggered 400/500 pages? The Joomla version usually includes some (possibly) useful diagnostics in small print.

This is standard Joomla code (ChronoForms isn't involved in the activation part) so I'm not at all sure what might be happening.

The last visited defalt value should be 0000-00-00 - 00:00:00 I guess that this might be causing the error. Again, I think this value is set by Joomla in the registration process.

theintz 05 Jan, 2010
The problem occurred because Joomla user registration was turned off. We did not want users to be able to automatically register, but only after review by sales person -- in effect having a 3rd person initiate the registration.

What I ended doing is adding custom code before email, that performed the user registration using the Joomla JUser Object -- It now appears to work o.k. except that I am no longer getting email send? Any reason why this would occur?


GreyHead 05 Jan, 2010
Hi Tim,

Nothing other than the usual stuff - check that its enabled. And make sure that the custom code is returning control to ChronoForms.

theintz 13 Jan, 2010
What do you mean about "returning control to chronoforms" My php code is just a code snippet that terminates at the end of file. Is there a specific return value or callback needed?

GreyHead 14 Jan, 2010
Hi Tim,

If it's just in the OnSubmit box there should be no problem.

TINTIN 20 Jan, 2012
Hey Greyhead,

I am sending a Link for a test based on the choice the applicants make when they fill the internship form , which is made in chronoforms.

On submission of the form ive used the joomla user registration action of chronoform and ive enabled auto login and im not sending any account detials to them. The process is as follows:
1. the user fills in the registration form. on submit a thank you page is displayed with the user name.
2. user account gets created and an auto login action is performed.
3. a email is fired to the applicant based on the choice that he makes in the application form with a link for the corresponding test.( all controlled by the custom code before email.)
4. whwn the user recieves the mail he/she clicks on the link and a new tab opens with the test page.
6. the user gives the quiz and gets the result.

Following are the problems i'm facing:

1. at tyms when the user clicks on the link the new window opens but 404 error is shown.
2. at tyms the new tab doesnt hold the session value and the user is not logged in so he cannot see the test, as it is for registered user only.

PLease help and suggest me a solution. Its hampering the recruitment process.

Thanks & Regards,
GreyHead 21 Jan, 2012

The default session length in Joomla! is only 15 minutes so unless the user responds that quickly to the email their session will have ended and they will need to login again. Your application has to deal with this situation. Either you need to make the session much longer (not always advisable) or you need to provide a method for them to be logged in again - possibly add an auto login to the vlink verification code??

What links give the 404 error? There's no obvious reason for this to happen and no way to diagnose without more information.

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