
Please let me know if this is possible?

surfnode 03 Jan, 2010

Could you let me know if this is possible?

Basically I need to have my form layed out like this:

Drop Down List 1 - listing bible book names

Drop Down List 2 - listing bible book's chapter numbers - depending on how many chapters are in that book.

For example if a user selected 'Galatians' then only chapters 1-6 would appear in a numeric drop-down list.

Therefore I need somehow to have a list lookup on each drop down from list 1 to select numbers from list 2.

However I then need once the form has been submitted, for whatever chapter that has been selected, to be voided/removed from the list or shown as unavailable so that duplicate entires are not submitted.

If this is possible in any way using ChronoForms I would appreciate any help anyone is able to provide in regards to this.


GreyHead 03 Jan, 2010
Hi Chris,

Yes it's certainly possible. There are a few threads here on 'double drop-downs' of varying kinds.

surfnode 03 Jan, 2010
could you give me some pointers in the right direction?
GreyHead 04 Jan, 2010
Hi surfnode,

Yes, I already have - check the forums for other people's solutions.


PS Sure, I could do that for you, but I have plenty of other stuff to do first.
rekk1986 05 Jan, 2010

Hi surfnode,

Yes, I already have - check the forums for other people's solutions.


PS Sure, I could do that for you, but I have plenty of other stuff to do first.

Please give me the link of that solution. I've met the same issues and have to complete asap. Thanks
surfnode 08 Jan, 2010
I am still looking for a solution to this.
Am still trekking through 79 pages of results lol
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