
Validition does not work in 3,1_RC5.5

Rajah 23 Dec, 2009

With 3.0 validation works but not with 3.1_RC5.5.
As far as I can see, no JS problems

Known problem?
GreyHead 23 Dec, 2009
Hi Rajah,

No known problems - the validation library has been changed but validation still works well in 3.1 RC5.5

If you post a link to your form I'll take a quick look.

GreyHead 24 Dec, 2009
Hi Rajah,

The validation is OK in FireFox and Chrome and in IE without the template. I'm pretty certain that the problem is that your template uses JQuery and this conflicts with the MooTools library used by Joomla and by ChronoForms.

There are instructions to put JQuery into non-conflict mode somewhere in the forums here.

Rajah 24 Dec, 2009
Thanks for looking Bob!

For the js/mootools script you are right. There were some (unused) js scripts in the template.
I did delete them.
Nevertheless the validation does not work with me, nor in IE8/IE7/IE6/chrome and FF!
It's possible to submit a complete blanco form.
Rajah 24 Dec, 2009
You are 100% richt (of course 😀 ) One of the modules works with JS Mootools.
Going to search for the solution on this forum.

Rajah 24 Dec, 2009
Problem solved by putting
<script> JQuery.noConflict(); </script>
in the template.😀
adeo 05 Feb, 2010
Hi Rajah, I've the same problem,
Where exactly you have put the code "<script> JQuery.noConflict(); </script>"


GreyHead 05 Feb, 2010
Hi Regis,

Probably in the header part of the template index.php

adeo 06 Feb, 2010
Hi Bob,

So sory, it does'nt work :-(

I'm a newbee in php code...

My site : <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
GreyHead 06 Feb, 2010
Hi Regis,

You can't access the site on that link.

Unfortunately this is a probably a problem with a badly designed (or perhaps just non-standard) template. The template designer, or a Googel search on JQuery noConflict should tell you want you need.

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