
Redirect URL - Multiple locations

cmusicman 17 Dec, 2009
Hello all,

I'm testing out ChronoForms and finding it a very nice system to use. However, I am slightly puzzled on how to do one thing. I have a set of radio buttons that I'd like to use to dictate the target url in the redirect plugin. I've been able to change the redirect URL of the page based on a radio selection, but not the target url for the redirect plugin. Any ideas of how to accomplish that?

GreyHead 17 Dec, 2009
Hi Caleb,

There is no easy way to do that at the moment using the plugin. The ReDirect Plugin is built on the assumption that you want to redirect to the same url with variable values in the query string.

What exactly do you need to do?

You'll find some old PayPal posts here which describe how to build a redirect URL in the OnSubmit After box - you could easily vary the url with that approach.

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