
blank page appears when opening the general tab

Buchegger 16 Dec, 2009
Hopefully somebody can help me,

I try to get the mail function running - but if I want to edit the form to enable the email (in the general tab) a blank page appears - how to fix this problem?

I have already disabled the "show tip of the day" how described in this forum - can this be a problem of the joomla rss function - if yes how to disable it completely?

The wizard edit function is working - I also can open other tabs since I disabled the "show tip of the day"
I'm using Joomla 1.5.11 and IE8 / Firefox 3.5

oh.....😶 as I saw to not uninstall the plugin when reinstalling, it was already to late....could this be the problem?? I tried to reintall the app because I thought this could fix the problem. Maybe a database problem (I had a form with exact the same form-name at the former installation) - how to fix it??

Thanks for any suggestions
GreyHead 16 Dec, 2009
Hi Buchegger,

Sounds like a JavaScript problem - try clearing your browser cache; if that doesn't work then try a different browser.

You could slso set Site Error Reporting to Maximum and see if you get a PHP error message.

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