
Forms Customization with Authorize.Net

greyson72 09 Dec, 2009
I have two forms created in Chronoforms and these will use the Authorize.Net plugin to process a monetary transaction.

These forms will serve as registration forms for an awards banquet. One will be buy tickets to the event. The other will be a nomination form that will also allow for ticket purchase

I need the first form to allow the visitor to select the number of tickets they want and then have that amount sent to when the form is submitted. The second form will have the same, but will also include an additional amount for the nomination they give.

Also, I need to be able to offer a "Pay Later" option which will bypass the piece and just give instructions on how to mail in payment.

I don't have an idea on budget, I would think this is a pretty quick and easy thing to do. A couple hundred dollars at most for someone who is expert at Chronoforms. But this is an assumption, please correct me if I am wrong.

Please reply to me by PM or other if you are interested in spec-ing out the job.

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