
DateTimePicker not selectable in formWizard?

nextmtn 08 Dec, 2009
When I'm using the form wizard I can't add the DateTimePicker. When I click and drag it into the form it shows up as a TextBox instead.

Anyone else had this issue?
GreyHead 08 Dec, 2009
Hi nextmtn,

Well it is a textbox until you view the form when a little JavaScript adds the picker. I think it should be OK.

nextmtn 11 Dec, 2009
Thanks! You were right. Once I posted the form it was fine. This has to be one of my favorite Joomla! add-ons ever. I'll definitely be getting the Unlimited package as soon as I can. This has been a big help!
Skatemore 13 Dec, 2009

Thanks! You were right. Once I posted the form it was fine. This has to be one of my favorite Joomla! add-ons ever. I'll definitely be getting the Unlimited package as soon as I can. This has been a big help!

How do you modify the Date picker to be a time selector please?
GreyHead 13 Dec, 2009
Hi Skatemore,

The Aeron calendar that ChronoForms uses doesn't include a time-picker.

You can switch to using the Joomls default datepicker which includes a rather poor but functional time picker (visible in the Watchman Plugin); or use a separate time picker. There is rather a nice one (IMHO) also included in the Watchman plugin that you could easily adopt.

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