
JavaScript Problem read out field and write to another field

AZADISTAN 03 Nov, 2009
Hi i did a little in javascript but i didn't succeeded...
i tried to read out the vlaue of the field (max Gehalt) and to compute some percentage of it with switch to write into another field (max Preis für Vermittlung )..
i copied it into the FORM JAVASCRIPT of my form but it doesnt work...

can someone help out?

i also need help with chrono connectivity because i trie to show some vlaue of the form but if i click one one value the whole form is shown...

perhaps someone can help out quick and also tells how much it would be worth..

document.Unternehmensform.max Gehalt.value = wert;
switch (wert)
{ case wert < 60000;
	document.Unternehmensform.max Preis für Vermittlung.value = 0,2 * wert;
  case wert > 60000 & < 80000;
 	document.Unternehmensform.max Preis für Vermittlung.value = 0,22 * wert;
  case wert > 80000;
	document.Unternehmensform.max Preis für Vermittlung.value = 0,24 * wert;
		answer="Bitte richtige Werte eingeben";
GreyHead 09 Nov, 2009

You can't have spaces in Form Names or IDs - I don't think that 'Max Gehalt' will work at all.

You also need to check the id of your form as ChronoForms changes it. I think you need the amended version in document.Unternehmensform.

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