
Storing form data

prsweb 26 Oct, 2009
I have a form that builds two drop-down menus based upon data stored in two seperate database tables. [Background: the form allows a user to register for a specific time slot on a specific date - there are two tables 'event_date' and 'event_time' that are referenced].

The problem I am having is that when I turn on the standard "Enable data storage" to store the results to the table created by ChronoForms, the form no longer presents the Date and Time options.

Is this something I can correct by changing some ordering around? Or do I need to manually create a new table to store the data and connect that in some other fashion?

GreyHead 26 Oct, 2009
Hi prsweb,

I don't understand what the form *is* showing. Please will you turn Form Debug on and cut and paste the results here so that we can see what is being submitted.

prsweb 26 Oct, 2009
Here's a link to the form:,com_chronocontact/chronoformname,event_reg/lang,en/

and the debug code:

1. Form passed first SPAM check OK
2. Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
3. Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
4. Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
5. $_POST Array: Array ( [selDateHidden] => Thursday, November 19th [selTimeHidden] => 2:30 - 2:50 [Event_Name] => Wharton Coffee Chat [selDate] => 1 [selTime] => 3 [first_name] => Paul [preferred_name] => Paul [last_name] => Solans [email] => [email][/email] [phone] => 312.593.1111 [grad_year] => 2010 [1st_choice] => Chicago [2nd_choice] => New York [3rd_choice] => New York [industry_question] => Test [learning_question] => Test [radio0] => Yes [button_18] => Submit [d592946c8fd44ceb24f83c1f99022e9a] => 1 [1cf1] => 633e86be442404debf059fbde7f0f576 [chronoformname] => event_reg )
6. $_FILES Array: Array ( )
7. Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
8. Debug End

The form sends the data just fine whether or not connect the database. But when I connect to the chronoforms database, the date and time data doesn't present.

Does this help?
GreyHead 26 Oct, 2009
Hi prsweb,

Well, looking at this they should save if the column type is text or varchar - but not if they are date or time types as the format is wrong.

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