
Translate datetimepicker / calendar

sundancer 08 Oct, 2009
I want to translate the calendar / datetimepicker of ChronoForms_V3.1_RC5.5.
I found the two files in Javascript, calendar.js and calendar2.js as I change the months for example nothing is happening.
Is this the way to change that anyway?

GreyHead 08 Oct, 2009
Hi Mark,

ChronoForms now uses the aeron calendar IIRC you can add months and days arrays to the box near the bottom of the general tab to set the language strings days: ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun']. You'll need to experiment a little to check the order

sundancer 08 Oct, 2009
Hi Bob,
I want to use the Dutch language wich is used in a part of the calendar.js.
As I go in my form manager -> multilanguage -> general tab(do I need to input nl-NL?) -> language tab is where you say to put the (translated days/month) string?
It doesn't work so far. Do you have some ideas?

GreyHead 08 Oct, 2009
Hi sundancer,

There's a box for date-picker variables at the bottom of the Form General Tab (not in the multi-language).

You can see it in Dutch here. The code in the box is
classes: ['dashboard'], direction: -.5, months: ['januari', 'februari', 'maart', 'april', 'mei', 'juni', 'juli', 'augustus', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december' ], days: ['zondag', 'maandag', 'dinsdag', 'woensdag', 'donderdag', 'vrijdag', 'zaterdag']


* classes: ['dashboard'] is the styling, direction: -.5 only permits dates in the past
sundancer 09 Oct, 2009
Thank you! 🤣
The months are working correctly now.
Only by hover (vri okt 9th 2009) must be translated (vrij okt 9de 2009) or can I switch this hoverfunction simply off.

One other thing,
I only want to disable one day, the watchman plugin could do that I guess.
In the part of opening days I disabled one day, but nothing is hapening. Is this the way to do that?

Thanks a lot

GreyHead 09 Oct, 2009
Hi Mark,

I don't know how to change the ordinals (th, st, etc) - you could check the Aeron Calendar docs (same for the hover).

I only want to disable one day, the watchman plugin could do that I guess.

Sorry, I don't understand what you want to do here?

sundancer 09 Oct, 2009
Sorry my English is not that good.
I want people to choose a date / day from the calendar, besides the sunday (closing time).
GreyHead 09 Oct, 2009
Hi sundancer,

blocked: ['* * * 6']
where '6' is the daycode for Sunday. More info in the Aeron Calendar docs linked above.

sundancer 09 Oct, 2009
Thank you
I don't understand yet which code to place where from the aeron calendar docs.
But I read it again and give it a try.

GreyHead 09 Oct, 2009
Hi Mark,

Just add this code (separated by a comma so add , blocked: ['* * * 6']) to the same box where the days names are - you can't see all the code in there but that's OK.

alitardo 18 Jan, 2011
Hello Grayhead,

I need to translate the calendar into Spanish. It is not a multi language site.
After entering the following code in the Date Fields extras area, nothing happens.
Still displays in English.

classes: ['dashboard'], direction: 0.5, month : ['Enero','Febrero','Marzo','Abril','Mayo','Junio','Julio','Agosto','Septiembre','Octubre','Noviembre','Diciembre'],day : ['L','M','M','J','V','S','D']

I also did not understand where to enter the title code to override the validation messages...

Thank you for your help.
GreyHead 18 Jan, 2011
Hi alitardo,

For the calendar it's days: and months: (not day: and month:)

For the error messages it's the title attribute in the input. Edit the Form HTML to add them:
<input class="cf_datetime" title="" size="20" id="date_0" name="date_0" type="text" title="Por favor, introduzca una fecha" />

alitardo 18 Jan, 2011
Thank you for the prompt response, GrayHead !
Pluralizing month and day solved the translation issue. :-)
GreyHead 15 Sep, 2011
Hi sweet160 ,

You might want to upgade to 3.2 but I'm pretty sure that the box is there in 3.1. Click the Form Name link in the Forms Manager and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

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