
Problems with validating

adamshawyer 07 Oct, 2009

I have recently purchased my chronosform and I have now recieved my quick 5 min code and license code.

I am unable to validate the form within Joomla!

I am able to enter only the the instant code.

Can anybody help me, I must be doing something very obviously wrong.

My aim is ultimately to remove the Chronos link now that I have a licensed copy.

Thanks in advance

GreyHead 07 Oct, 2009
Hi Adam,

Click the Parameters icon at the right hand end ofthe ChronoForms toolbar and I think you can add your license key there.

TheHacker 07 Oct, 2009
i have also problem with validating, i got license code and also tried with instant code but it's not working, still have notification that is not valid.
TheHacker 07 Oct, 2009
got it.
for all that has problems first insert license code in parameters, then Validate Installation with instant code.
teamatwork 09 Dec, 2009
hej, great thats work now😀. I have tried a little while, but now verything is ok.
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