
[SOLVED] Backup is not restoring on new site

revive 05 Oct, 2009
I have a new version of a site we're finishing, and we're transferring content to it now from the previous (old) version of the site.. So, I made sure both the old and new sites are running ChronoComments 1.2 and made a backup of the comments on the old site,.. and 'restored' them into the new site.. the comments show in the admin of the new site,.. but not the front end.!! I can post a new comment and it shows..

Max.. Help...🙂
revive 02 Nov, 2009
BUMP... not like Max/Bob or the community to not offer some assistance on an issue like this... any help is greatly appreciated.
GreyHead 02 Nov, 2009
Hi revive,

I know zilch about ChronoComments :-( and Max hasn't been here for a week or three. Try contacting him directly through the Contact Us form.

revive 02 Nov, 2009
Hey Bob,.

Thanks for the reply.. where's Max hiding? It's not typical, at least when I was frequenting the forum, to see him absent for very long at all... I will email him again and see what comes up..
thanks again and take care.
GreyHead 02 Nov, 2009
Hi revive,

As far as I know he's been working on a big client project - but he's been very quiet.

revive 02 Nov, 2009
Well, I know how those can go😉 Over this last year we have shifted our business/development focus from developing/designing a mass of websites for our clients,. to developing SaaS apps and the like. Talk about time intensive lol.. very good, and thanks once again for your reply
warriorgov79 06 Nov, 2009
I'm not an expert, but have you tried doing a backup/restore in myPHPadmin instead of the Joomla backend? Worth a shot...
revive 12 Nov, 2009

yes, tried that also.. direct import to phpmyadmin from old site to new site.. no dice.. I can still view all the comments in the admin page, but nothing displays on the front page.
I can also create a new comment, which DOES display... lol, but none of the imported ones.

Thanks for the recommendation though.,. it was right on to check that!
GreyHead 12 Nov, 2009
Hi Jesse,

It sounds as though there must be some field or flag set in the database that isn't matched up. If you compare the one that shows with one that doesn't is there any obvious mismatch?

revive 12 Nov, 2009
Bob, you're genius... !! I didn't even think to look for an 'off' field setting..🙂

It was the pageid from the old site to the new..😀

thanks again!
GreyHead 12 Nov, 2009
Hi Jesse,

You're welcome - that makes sense too.

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