
Mambots and JForms ??

GMiranda 27 Sep, 2009

I have just discovered this wonderful extension.
I'm trying using a third part plugin in the body of a Connectivity list.
The normal sintax of that plugin is: {play}my mp3{/play}

Is it possible to insert that code in the body?
Would it work if I put the Enable Mambot to Yes?

Actually, I get this error when I put the Enable Mambot to Yes (also if I dont put any { } code in the body:

Fatal error: Class 'JModel' not found in /web/htdocs/ on line 31

Could it be caused because I still have installed JForms extension?

Thank you very much,
GreyHead 27 Sep, 2009
Hi Gonzalo,

I'm confused.

You are posting in the ChronoForms forum talking about a JForms error showing up in ChronoConnectivity when you use a plugin from an (unnamed) third party ????

If you aren't using the JForms Plugin anywhere else then please disable it.

Please post the exact code you are using in the ChronoConnectivity body and tell us which plugin you want to use it with.

GMiranda 27 Sep, 2009
Hi GreyHead,

People call me "Speedy Gonzalo" but you are really "Speedier GreyHead"! Thank you for your answer.

I was using JForms, but now I'm passig to Chronoforms, as it gives more power (specially with Connectivity).

I have disable now the JForms plugin and the Mambo option doesn't give anymore the error I pasted in my previous post.

Now the third party plugin I wanted to use works perfectly.

The plugin is JosDewPlayer. This is the mambo for using it: {play}My mp3{/play})

This is the code I have in the Body:

<td>{edit_record}    </td>

As I said, it works fine now.

Do you know a better way of puting a player in a Connectivity list of mp3?

Thank you again,
GreyHead 27 Sep, 2009
Hi Gonzales,

That all sounds fine - and I don't know a better way of getting an MP3 player in there than by using a plugin.

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