
Small bug in Chronoforms. Path attachments.

vales 23 Sep, 2009
I found a small bug in Chronoforms. It is the parameter uploadpath recorded in Table jos_chrono_contact in to field paramall.
When we make the transfer from the local server to remote server with the backup of the database, the parameter is that of the local server, and Chronoforms do not find in remote server the directory of the attachments.

uploadpath=C:\EasyPHP 3.0\www\prova\components\com_chronocontact\uploads\form_articoli\

Tanks for your work.

GreyHead 23 Sep, 2009
Hi Vales,

Good catch, I'm not sure if it's a bug or not - having an absolute path in there lets you upload files outside the Joomla Root and that can sometimes be useful. But definitely a problem when moving a site.

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