
ChronoComments Killed my Whole Site. HELP ME!!

soamz 01 Sep, 2009
:( 😟 😟
My site has gone to hell for a vacation, after installing ChronoComments. Im in so love with ChronoComments that, I cant go with other comments extension.
So, help me guys..

Before I installed ChronoComments, my site was looking perfect.
CHeck the screenshot,

And after I installed ChronoComments, my site was messed up completely.
Check the screenshot,

Now,I have just disabled the ChronoComments Plugin and kept my site with the right layout. Bcz, as soon as I enable it, it gets messed up..
thoi trang be trai cap cap, thoi trang cho be, may hut sua, do ngu nam, bon bon, ao lot nu, paltal, ban buon quan ao, thoi trang cong so, vest cong so, ban buon quan ao, do lot[/url]
Now please help me, what to do.. Im stuck. 😑 😑
GreyHead 01 Sep, 2009
Hi soamz,

I don't know anything about Chronoomments and I don't see much difference between the sites except that obviously the page is set to one side or the center. That must be a result of a css conflict somewhere or a broken div.

soamz 01 Sep, 2009
Its only happening, when I activate the ChronoComments.
So,its sure, its the only culprit. How do I debug this or make it perfect ? 😢
GreyHead 01 Sep, 2009
Hi soamz,

Looks like there's a local web developer here with some Joomla expereince who can probably help.

soamz 01 Sep, 2009
Lol, thats me.. Just dont have time to start from 0 checking. So, want a pointer,so that I can go from there and check it. So, do you want me to activate it and you can see ?? 🙄
GreyHead 01 Sep, 2009
Hi soamz,

I don't know anything about Chronoomments

Just dont have time to start from 0 checking.

soamz 01 Sep, 2009
Does Mark know about it ?
Who has developed this component ??
GreyHead 01 Sep, 2009
Hi Soamz,

Max developed it - you cna try contacting him through the Contact Us form here. But I know that he is also very busy at the moment.

soamz 01 Sep, 2009
All right. Will do it. And its not something major which gonna take an hour. It something a tiny bug,which is affecting this. Should not be more than 5 mins check for Max. Will contact him now. Thanks. 😛
chrono engine 24 Feb, 2011
I don't have much idea of Chrono Comment and have used it for the first time. But after seeing both the site you have posted I don't fine any difference in the site.
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