
Upgrade problem?

kirkhayes 30 Aug, 2009
I just upgraded to the latest chronoforms and now my license is not recognized and my forms are not compatible and the data is not being stored from several of the forms in the database. I am completely shocked and absolutely lost as what to do. I need to get these forms working again and I need to find the old data that was being collected.

Where do I start or is it possible to downgrade back to the chronoforms that works?
kirkhayes 30 Aug, 2009
By the way pushing the button "Upgrade SQL and Load Demo Data" failed with the following error:

Restoring the whole form failed Failed, error : Unknown column 'fieldsnames' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO jos_chrono_contact (id,name,html,scriptcode,stylecode,redirecturl,emailresults, fieldsnames,fieldstypes,onsubmitcode,onsubmitcodeb4,server_validation, attformtag,submiturl,emailtemplate,useremailtemplate,paramsall,titlesall, extravalrules,dbclasses,autogenerated,chronocode,theme,published,extra1, extra2,extra3,extra4,extra5) VALUES ('','basicDemo',

there is a bunch more, but I think you get the idea.....
GreyHead 30 Aug, 2009
Hi kirkhayes,

Which version did you upgrade from and what exactly did you do?

The 'fieldnames' column is in the current release installation - and has been for several releases now.

kirkhayes 31 Aug, 2009
I honestly don't know what the previous version was as I believe you (or someone on the chronoengine company) installed it and customized it for me.

As for the upgrade: the directions here on the website just said to install the module without uninstalling the previous one so that is what I did.

I looked closer at my old forms and they are very different than the basicForm code. Anyway, any idea how we get this rectified?
GreyHead 31 Aug, 2009
Hi kirkhayes,

The instructions on the download page are quite specific about which version can be overwritten and which need to have a fresh installation. I think that around RC3.0 you can upgrade by overwriting, Befor that you need to copy and paste in the relevant parts of the old forms - tedious but not too bad.

To go back you'll need to contact Max for a copy of the old ChronoForms installer - unfortunately this may not be helpful without knowing the version number.

How many forms do you have and how complex are they - that is complex in terms of functionality and doign clever things rather then the sheer number of fields?

If they are relatively simple then I'd suggest creating new forms, copying and pasting the Form HTML etc over from previous backups either of the forms or of the db tables.

Apocryphon 02 Sep, 2009
I have an older version of CF, as well. Where can I find the version number, and where are the instructions to upgrade on the Download page?
GreyHead 02 Sep, 2009
Hi Apocryphon,

The version number is - like all Joomla extensions - on the Components page in the Extensions | Install/Uninstall page

The instruction on the download page are, well, on the download page. As far as I remember they tell you which versions you can upgrade by over-writing.

Apocryphon 02 Sep, 2009
Okay. Thanks a lot!

Oddly enough, on my Install/Uninstall page for Components there is a Chrono Contact listing, but nothing labelled Chrono Forms.
GreyHead 02 Sep, 2009
Hi Apocryphon,

That's it - I don't think Max has changed that line in the config file since pretty much the first release.

thal0029 05 Dec, 2010
I recently upgraded from 2.5 J1.5 RC3.1 to V 3.2.

This is the error message I get when I try to click upgrade sql and load demo. "Restoring the whole form failed Failed, error : Unknown column 'fieldsnames' in 'field list' "

I get this error when I try to edit or update any of the forms: "TableChronoContact::store failed - Unknown column 'fieldsnames' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE"

I didn't set these forms up originally so I'm not sure exactly how they work. Any ideas on what I can do to fix these problems? Thanks!!
GreyHead 05 Dec, 2010
Hi thal0029,

Something been missed in the upgrade history. The easiest fix is to add the missing columns to the database table using PHPMyAdmin. The full list for the current version is in this post.

thal0029 05 Dec, 2010
Thanks so much Bob! That worked like a charm!
rbc303 19 Jul, 2011
I am currently using Version 2.5 J1.5 RC3.1.

I need to upgrade to ChronoForms_V3.2.0

I don't see any instructions on upgrading from my Version 2.5?

Can you please direct me to the right place?
GreyHead 20 Jul, 2011
Hi rcb303,

From the downloads page

If you have V3.1 RC3, RC4, RC4.11 or RC5.x installed then DO NOT uninstall, just use this automatic first time/upgrade pack which will upgrade the versions mentioned earlier to RC5.6.1, you may need to go to the "Upgrade SQL" page to fix some Database tables fields too, users with earlier versions should uninstall first, pay attention to backup your forms before uninstallation or you will lose them!

You will need to backuyp all your forms and any database tables, then uninstall ChronoForms, reinstall the new version and restore the forms and related data.

For security I advise creating the new versions of the forms on a test site to make sure that you have them working before you upgrade the live site.

rbc303 20 Jul, 2011
Thank you, I guess I just needed to see "if you have a version < V3, or if you have V2.5 ...."
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