
Mootools 1.2 - Upgraded Code (Please Say Yes)?

needshelp 27 Aug, 2009
Dear GreyHead and Max(admin),

I'm currently running Mootools 1.2 on my Joomla 1.5 front-end and I wanted to know if you guys had any Mootools 1.2 code for the front-end aspect of your component, I'm assuming the main aspect of this is the validation, because it runs on Mootools. If not what type of validation can you suggest, nothing complex it's really for required fields.

P.S - I had set required fields on the from wizard and it does not seem it set it, because I may submit the form with out getting any errors and does go through.

needshelp 27 Aug, 2009
I love this component so much it brings tears to my eyes... T.T

I decided to figure out how to use the "Server Side Validation" system. It's wonderful I was intimidated at first but it's very each to use, it would be great if above it, or under it, it would show the labels, and names to make it easier to input the input names in the if statement. I guess you could just strip them from the form code section.

One thing, when the php returns the error string all input fields get reset, is there something I may not know in coding in the server side validation.

Also if I wanted to make validations for dates, currency and any other aspects of validation, I'm guessing I would need to know how to program that into the server side validation?

For example if I just need the post to have numbers, i would need to php script that myself?
GreyHead 28 Aug, 2009
Hi needshelp,

I'm not quite sure what you are asking here.

ChronoForms uses the standard MooTools 1.1 as installed with Joomla. The core validation code is LiveValidation which doesn't use MooTools - but the code that integrates the LiveValidation library into ChronoForm is heavily MooTools dependent. As far as I know it will not run with MooTools 1.2 even with the compatibility pack (which is not very comprehensive).

Using server-side validation you can add anything you like into the server-side box. As you owkrd out, the field names are all available from the Form HTML (or a few other places if you hunt around).

And yes - server-side validation requires that you write it from scratch (or Google around to find suitable code).

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