
Hello again...form not sending

dsmflash 26 Aug, 2009
Getting this error:
"Could not instantiate mail function."

Setting are correct.

dsmflash 26 Aug, 2009

* Form passed first SPAM check OK
* Form passed the submissions limit (if enabled) OK
* Form passed the Image verification (if enabled) OK
* Form passed the server side validation (if enabled) OK
* Form passed the plugins step (if enabled) OK
* Emails data loaded OK
* Form passed all before email code evaluation OK
* An email has been SENT successfully from () to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
* An email has been SENT successfully from (NCHC Chamber: 8 Hour Entrepreneurship Program)XXXXXXXXXXXXX to
* Debug End

_POST: Array ( [text_3] => DM [text_4] => 2438 XXXXXXXXXXX [text_5] => XXXXXXXXX [text_8] => 47362 [text_10] => XXXXXXXXXXXXXX [text_11] => 765-524-8590 [text_12] => 765-524-8590 [No] => No [chrono_verification] => qfdzg [undefined] => Submit [22ca2c266b78a3d11738b33979b4b8ce] => 1 )

From: []
Subject: Entrepreneurship Application

Zip Code47362
Email xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Alt. Phone765-524-8590
Please consider me for a scholarship: I have enclosed my payment of $40 for the program. I understand that if I do not make a final presentation, I will be billed $200. Please make checks payable to the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Please select one:
I do not wish to be considered for a scholarship and I have enclosed my payment of $240 for participation in the program. Please make checks payable to the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Please select one:
Submitting this form constitutes an electronic signature and affirms your understanding of the terms, conditions, and purpose of this application.

Submitted by xxxxxxxxx

As you can see, settings are correct...
nml375 26 Aug, 2009
That error originates from the PHPMailer class, and is caused by mail() raising an error condition.


* An email has been SENT successfully from () to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
* An email has been SENT successfully from (NCHC Chamber: 8 Hour Entrepreneurship Program)XXXXXXXXXXXXX to

The first email lacks any sender, this will cause mail() to choke.
The second email lacks any recipient, this will also cause mail() to choke.

Could you please attach a backup of your form, or post a screenshot of your email setup.

dsmflash 26 Aug, 2009
I finally got it to work after starting all over. i would give anything for just one of my forms to work on the first go. great comp, but just takes too long to get it up and going.
nml375 26 Aug, 2009
Nice that you got it working.

As for getting forms to work the first time 'round, my best suggestion is to try and figure out what went wrong the last time and learn from that experience. In any case, the behaviour you described would suggest using dynamic from / dynamic to mail properties with incorrect form field names.

Also, given the complex and powerful nature of CF, every now and then you'll end up having to debug your form. The debug output might seem trivial, but with a little experience you'll soon start finding bits of information to piece together where the error lies.

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