
Dynamic drop down list

David 24 Aug, 2009

I have a problem to create a form with a dynamic dropdown list. I search on the net but i never find how to do this (or the answer is not developped).

In fact i have a form with 2 dropdown list.

In the first, the list have 3 choices : color, shape, name.
The second list must contains only color (black/white/green) if color is choosed before, shape (square,circle) if shape is choosed before, etc..

How can i do that ? I know how to create a form with 2 dropdown list, i think i need to change the php code after for resolving my problem but how ?.

I need help.

GreyHead 25 Aug, 2009
Hi David,

The answer is in these forums two or three times over.

David 25 Aug, 2009
Ok, i found the solution using this thread : thanks

My code works perfectly with two dynamic drop down list, but in fact i need three dynamic drop down list.
When i change elements in my first list, the second is changed correctly but when i change the second the last is not modified.

(the elements of my drop down list are from sql queries).

This is my code html :
<?php //Déclaration de variables utiles (valeurs des fieldid)
$fieldid_departement = 59;
$fieldid_type = 67;
$fieldid_type_sport = 70;
$fieldid_type_sorties = 71;
$fieldid_type_loisirs = 72;
$fieldid_activite_sportcombat = 73;
$fieldid_activite_sportnautique = 75;
$fieldid_activite_sportequestre = 74;


<div id='type'>
<select id='type_liste' name='type_liste' style='width:160px;' onChange='change_type();'>
	$resultat_type = mysql_query('SELECT fieldtitle FROM jos_comprofiler_field_values WHERE fieldid ='.$fieldid_type);
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultat_type))
		echo '<option >'.$row["fieldtitle"].'</option>';

<div id='Sports' class='select' style='display:block;'>
<select id='typeliste' name='typeliste' style='width:160px;' onChange='change_categorie()'>
	$resultat_typelistsport = mysql_query('SELECT fieldtitle FROM jos_comprofiler_field_values WHERE fieldid ='.$fieldid_type_sport);
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultat_typelistsport))
		echo '<option >'.$row["fieldtitle"].'</option>';

<div id='Sorties' class='select' style='display:none;'>
<select id='typeliste' name='typeliste' style='width:160px;' onChange='change_categorie()'>
	$resultat_typelistsorties = mysql_query('SELECT fieldtitle FROM jos_comprofiler_field_values WHERE fieldid ='.$fieldid_type_sorties);
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultat_typelistsorties))
		echo '<option >'.$row["fieldtitle"].'</option>';

<div id='Loisirs' class='select' style='display:none;'>
<select id='typeliste' name='typeliste' style='width:160px;' onChange='change_categorie()'>
	$resultat_typelistloisirs = mysql_query('SELECT fieldtitle FROM jos_comprofiler_field_values WHERE fieldid ='.$fieldid_type_loisirs);
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultat_typelistloisirs))
		echo '<option >'.$row["fieldtitle"].'</option>';

<div id='Sport de combat' class='selectcategorie' style='display:block;'>
<select id='typelisteactivite' name='typelisteactivite' style='width:160px;'>
	$resultat_categorie_combat = mysql_query('SELECT fieldtitle FROM jos_comprofiler_field_values WHERE fieldid ='.$fieldid_activite_sportcombat);
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultat_categorie_combat))
		echo '<option >'.$row["fieldtitle"].'</option>';

<div id='Sport équestre' class='selectcategorie' style='display:none;'>
<select id='typelisteactivite' name='typelisteactivite' style='width:160px;'>
	$resultat_categorie_equestre = mysql_query('SELECT fieldtitle FROM jos_comprofiler_field_values WHERE fieldid ='.$fieldid_activite_sportequestre);
	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultat_categorie_equestre))
		echo '<option >'.$row["fieldtitle"].'</option>';


and my javascript code :
function change_type()
	var type = $('type_liste');
	var selects = $$('');
	for ( var i = 0; i < selects.length; i++ ) {
		if (selects[i].id == type.value ) {
			selects[i].style.display = 'block';
		} else {
			selects[i].style.display = 'none';

function change_categorie()
	var type = $('typeliste');
	var selects = $$('div.selectcategorie');
	for ( var i = 0; i < selectcategorie.length; i++) {
		if (selects[i].id == type.value ) {
			selects[i].style.display = 'block';
		} else {
			selects[i].style.display = 'none';

I think my error is in my change_categorie function, when i declare type, but i'm not sure...
I can give a backup of my database by pm if necessary.
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