Hi, I love the concept of chronoconnectivity but I'm struggling with the best ways to use it - I managed to create my first connection (I had to add a field for the OnSaveJSCode) and it shows nicely in the admin but I get nothing on the front end (most likely because I'm a big dummy) - I am just wondering if anyone has any step by step instructions for how they have used this tool?
An example of how I would like to use it - user fills out request form: https://www.asnwonline.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&Itemid=38. They submit this request and it is stored to the database with a unique jobid (assigned during the submit process - works like a charm thanks to Bob).
Now, I would like them to be able to come back to the site and find that request by job id and add a "cancel" button or "edit" button... etc - I mean, this is just a sample of what I would like to do - once I understood how to do this I could probably do other things but I thought I'd give a starting idea...
Thanks to anyone that can help.
An example of how I would like to use it - user fills out request form: https://www.asnwonline.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&Itemid=38. They submit this request and it is stored to the database with a unique jobid (assigned during the submit process - works like a charm thanks to Bob).
Now, I would like them to be able to come back to the site and find that request by job id and add a "cancel" button or "edit" button... etc - I mean, this is just a sample of what I would like to do - once I understood how to do this I could probably do other things but I thought I'd give a starting idea...
Thanks to anyone that can help.